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I wonder why this is still in stock?

Guest Nunya

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They should be ashamed.. It is one thing for an individual to see the chance to make the extra money but for a business to not have the foresight to see that one day (hopefully) availability will come back and they will have to try to sell the same thing that every other dealer else is trying to sell. Only now all of us and an untold thousands more that have seen what they are pulling and will not buy from them. Ammo sales is a fairly tough margin business when supply is plentiful so they aren't going to be able to sell enough cheaper than the next dealer to make folks forget this. I hope they sell every last D@&N brick of it because that small gain may be what rips their sail. 

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Guest drv2fst

That's disappointing.  I have bought a bunch of ammo from them in the past.  They have always been an excellent vendor for me.  I'll have to reconsider them now.  

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Guest Nunya

Here's what I think is going on.  It's called price skimming.  This same vendor probably has that ammo listed several places at different prices, it just looks like different vendors.  With websites, that's pretty easy to do.  You leave the one out there at 159.99 knowing only one or two people will be dumb enough to buy it.  Meanwhile you sell the rest at a steady pace.  It's the illusion of competition.

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