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Eric Holder on IRS Scandal Said "I don't know" 57 Times

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More than one testimony in both the Benghazi and the IRS probes has basically used as excuse that the various organizations are simply too big and complicated for anyone to know just who and what is responsible when things go south.


Which of course is a basic tenet of conservatives regarding Big Government.


I love how Obama "fired" the acting head of IRS (who was already leaving in early June before this even surfaced).


And promoted the woman (who was in charge of the tax exempt division from whence this whole thing blew up), to head of Obamacare IRS enforcement! Check out all the nifty bonuses she got too.





- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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If Holder gets the boot I going to see if I can get appointed to his job. I can say "I don't know" just as well as he does. That lying sack of ....


Just pray there's not a SCOTUS appointment before 1/20/17, BHO will probably stick him right in there. The Senate will likely stay Dem, and I doubt the terrible record would ultimately dissuade them from confirming him.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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what I'd like to know is just how much is enough. the federal government has overstepped its authority and taken it away from the states where it belongs. I say shut them down defund them take our country back I can see many "Concords" in our future. every Patriot is a minute man.
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no one will do anything.  People are still eating, making mortgage payments and buying new cars.   


I laugh at bravado talk, again I say no one will do anything.


These guys are untouchable, it is not going to change in my lifetime.

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I personally think all this came from the White house but they only have two options, to admit the white house is behind it all or they are grossly incompetent. They have decided to use grossly incompetent. Even if that's true that's not a good place to be.


Even if Obama and Holder didn't know a thing they are just admiting to the public that they can't manage their department or administration.

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