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Book of interest to civil war or history buffs

Guest Lester Weevils

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Guest Lester Weevils

This old book may be old-hat to civil war scholars. I am abysmally ignorant of the topic. Ran across this book a couple of years ago and found it an interesting read and got to thinking about it again over the last couple of days.


Began to wonder in retrospect if it was an old work of adventure fiction rather than a legit journal. It reads at least as good as hoary old Jules Verne fictional adventures. Took me awhile to find the book again, but apparently this book is accepted as factual, as in it really did happen. Unless the author was lying thru his teeth of course.


It is a kind of travelogue written by a Brit Military Officer, Arthur Fremantle, who took an "extended vacation" to tour the USA during the middle of the american civil war. Perhaps showing about as sound judgement as a modern USA citizen taking a vacation to Somalia in the Blackhawk Down era?


It is a rather rip-snortin tale. This wikipedia link describes the author and synopsizes his journal-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Fremantle


You can download "Three Months in the Southern States" in several ebook formats or read it online in html here--  http://archive.org/details/threemonthsinsou00frem


The fella starts his journey sympathizing with the north, and ends his journey, returning to England, rooting for the south.


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The book's title is not familiar, but the name of the author is.  Seems like I have run across it before in another book about the civil war.  I have been an American history buff for years, and one of my favorite parts is the time of the westward expansion from 1840 to about 1900, including the civil war and the Indian wars.

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