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This is what we're up against every day

Guest Darth Maul

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Guest Darth Maul
The sheer volume of stupidity in this clip is overwhelming. This is why I have no faith in people. To accomplish this level of pure retardation must take an amazing amount of effort.

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Guest 6.8 AR

That was all planned and is pure propaganda. That numbskull and his neighbors were probably bussed in,

just like the Obamaphone woman during the last election.

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I couldn't make it past the first guy after he said that he'd like to limit guns to only criminals so he wouldn't have to worry about being shot by his honest neighbor.


I'm sure it went downhill from there.

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Guest Darth Maul

We're up against half a dozen folks with nothing better to do on a beautiful sunny day than display their ignorance for the world to see? I like those odds.

lol Well that and the overall misconceptions and lack of knowledge of and belief in the subject of guns, individual rights and the Constitution.
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lol Well that and the overall misconceptions and lack of knowledge of and belief in the subject of guns, individual rights and the Constitution.


Ever watch the Watter's Word World segments on O'Reilly?


The absolute dearth of knowledge about our country, current events, issues, and freedom itself is absolutely appalling among younger folks, and if anything it's actually worse the more educated the interviewee.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Ever watch the Watter's Word segments on ?


The absolute dearth of knowledge about our country, current events, issues, and freedom itself is absolutely appalling among younger folks, and if anything it's actually worse the more educated the interviewee.


- OS

I watch O'Reilly bout every night, always amazed at how dumb the people are when asked about this and that by Watters.

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I watch O'Reilly bout every night, always amazed at how dumb the people are when asked about this and that by Watters.


I used to watch O'Reilly. Then I became amazed at how dumb HE is. Now I can't stand to listen to him. 

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I couldn't make it past the first guy after he said that he'd like to limit guns to only criminals so he wouldn't have to worry about being shot by his honest neighbor.

I'm sure it went downhill from there.

I watched the entire thing, it did go downhill. As stated I'm sure they were bussed in for this publicity stunt, but maybe not because people really are this stupid.

Comments like only want criminals to be armed, we want to ban ar-15s but not take your guns, 10 rounds is too many to defend yourself..... Do people really not remember how to think before they speak and realize how ignorant they sound? Because really everyone is safer if only criminals have guns "because they don't want to kill you, just take your stuff..."
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Guest TankerHC

With a little education these people could be idiots.


Will say this, the Constitution guarantees all God given rights, even the right to be dumber than a box of rocks.

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