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Gen 4 Glocks

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I spend a lot of time on Glocktalks because I'm a huge fan but it's becoming more and more obvious their quality control is slipping. Originally they were only having issues with some 9mm's and a few 40's. Now the problem seems to cover nearly every caliber in both gen 3 and 4.


I have a Gen 4 23 that was made in 2011. I had some problems when I first got it but after a few hundred rounds the issues stopped. I'm also fairly certain the problems only existed with one magazine that was marked "new" at a local gun store. It's 100% reliable now.


I also had a Gen 4 26 that was 100% reliable. I have since traded this for a different Glock though.


I wouldn't hesitate to buy another Glock but I wouldn't be shocked if it had some issues. The good news is that Glocks warranty is the best in the industry.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yesterday I picked up a Gen4 G19 (Dec12 test fire date)used but looks like new. I have a flawless Gen4 23(2k rounds) 26, and 27. I shot 50 rounds through the new 19 and almost every round ejected brass to face. Even hi pressured self defense rounds were hitting BTF. It will be several days before I can switch out parts and get back to the range. I am going to switch out the extractor first.
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I have a Gen 4 Glock 26. The trigger would hit a snag after about 1/8 inch movement and then be hard to pull until it would "snick" past the obstruction.


I posted on one of the Glock forums thinking this might be a common problem. They just said, "Send it back and they'll fix it." Heck, if I wanted to do that, I wouldn't have bothered to post on the forum. I got the impression most of the posters didn't know squat about guns.  I'm not going to package a gun, drive 10 miles to UPS, and go through the hassle of sending it in if I can fix it myself.


I determined the the trigger safety at the back of the trigger was not getting completely recessed and was catching on the frame. I filed it down a fraction of an inch. It works fine now. Once I determined the problem, it took maybe 3 minutes to make the file and one minute to file it the right amount.

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Before switching parts out I would actually break the pistol in. 50 rounds doesn't cut it.

It's a 9mm, find me some ammo. I am just kidding.
Honestly I don't know if I could handle it, it is that annoying. I actually took 100 rounds with me but decided to only shoot 50 knowing I could switch out parts to try and get it working. Another issue is people report issues occurring more frequently after 500, 1k, or even 3k rounds. I have the o-4-3 RSA and the 30274 ejector which are the latest updates.
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I'm seeing reports on Glocktalk of people having problems with brand new Gen 3's also. It appears QC may be slipping since Glock is behind on nearly a million guns.


Also, Glock changed the packaging inside the case and not for the better. Many people are reporting buying brand new guns only to open the box and find their guns all scratched up because of this.

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Guest jwrench75
Bought my girlfriend a new gen-4 26 last year. 1st round she fired stovepiped, most of the other 49 cases were to the forehead. I swapped out the extractor claw on the slide and switched from 115 grain to 124 and its doing a lot better. Also fwiw, bought myself a new gen-3 29sf last year and its been perfect.
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  • 2 weeks later...

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