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Guest Linoge

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Guest Linoge

So this is something of a long story... A little while ago, I had the pleasure of living in Florida, and availed myself of the opportunity to secure a Florida CCW permit. However, due to an annoying case of indecision, that has not really cleaned up in the meantime, I neglected to actually purchase a carryable firearm. Unfortunately, my next move was to Kalifornistan, so the opportunity slipped away.

However, now I am in Tennessee, and am faced with the decision again. My Florida CCW permit is being changed into a Tennessee CHP permit as we speak, so now all I need is the firearm. To aid in my quest, I searched high and low for information concerning a variety of firearms out there, and put together a rather comprehensive spreadsheet comparing weights, dimensions, and features. The discriminating factors for the spreadsheet were "carryable" (though I was loose with that definition), semi-automatic (personal tastes, and the design I was trained/learned on), and 9mm / .40 S&W / .45 ACP (combination of stopping power, ammunition commonality, ammunition cost, and reducing the number of options out there).

As it stands right now, my top choices are a Walther PPS, the Springfield Armory XD9 Sub-Compact, and a Glock 26, all in 9mm. Why that caliber? I already have a Baby Eagle in 9mm, so ammunition commonality would help. Why those guns? Known names, relatively high quality, dependable, and smallish - I am a little paranoid about being able to actually conceal the firearm. And, after handling all three, I have to admit I really like the PPS.

So, all this said, and some idea of what I am looking for expressed (I hope), what might you all suggest? Trust me, at this point, I am looking for all of the experience, assistance, and education I can get.

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Guest EasilyObsessed

I personally dont find the subcompact (XD9sc or Glock 26) any more concealable than their slightly larger brothers (XD9 Service or Glock 19). Id go with the slightly larger guns if it were me.

Have you had a chance to shoot any/all of these yet?

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Guest Disney

I have shot both the G26 and the XD9 SC. Both shoot very well even in my large hands. It would be VERY hard for me to decide between the two, but I think if I was forced, i'd go with the XD.

I have never shot or even held the PPS, so I can not comment on it. It sure looks like a fine firearm. I would rule it out for now being able to carry at least 10 rounds like the Glock and XD can. (Can XD carry 12 with extended mag?)

Good luck on your search and welcome to Tennessee!!!

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Guest Linoge

Unfortunately, I have only had the chance to fire a Glock, and I think it was the 19. I should be able to track down the Springer at CCA, but, thus far, I have onlyl been able to find a single store out of about six in the area that carry a PPS at all, much less rent one (and that store was a hybrid golf/gun store... how cool is TN?).

Regarding ammunition capacity, I guess it is about the same as using a revolver as a carry piece... Of course, since the option is there, it makes sense to use the technology at hand and get a larger magazine capability, but they are a bit thicker, and, like I said, I am a little new to this still and a bit on the paranoid side :eek:.

Have you happened to shoot the PPS, eyebedam?

And the cargo pocket idea definitely came to mind, trust me - I wear them almost exclusively these days, and am more than used to having things riding around in there.

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I have been carrying a firearm for years. I have been thru nearly everything you listed plus a bunch of others. A couple of points that I hope will help you.

1. Get something that that you can and will keep with you. No matter how good a weapon is it is no good left at home.

2. Simplicity is a great advantage. Several things I really like about Glocks is reliability, low cost factory mags, interchangeability of holsters and accessories and the revolver like action (no external safety). I would suggest a G26 if you decide on a Glock and it fits your hands. You can buy G19 mags and use them with magazine fillers or you can add the Pearce or Schearer grip extensions.

3. Semi autos are cool, have a higher capacity, are flatter in most cases, but they have one draw back, they have only one chamber and cannot be fired more than once from an enclosed position, like a pocket. I have found the lightest, simplest most fool proof gun for me is not a semiauto but a revolver, a SW 642 to be exact. I carry my G19 often, sometimes I carry my SW 4563 TSW but I always have my 642 handy in case I need something to stick in my pocket and go.

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I have a passing knowledge of the Glock weapons system and train with a G-17 exclusively.:D

With this said, I typically carry a 642 Smith in a belly band. :dunno:

The 642 is the Gold Standard for discrete carry. However, if one desires a self loading handgun, the Glock is going to be hard to beat.

I also prefer the 9X19 round in a self loader. The highly developed Remington 147 gr Golden Sabre will work when the chips are down. The 38 Special is still the standard in a revolver.

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i'm probably going to be out there by myself on this one...but i'd go with the Glock. compliment it with a Keltec P3AT or a Ruger LCP for pocket carry when the bigger gun isnt such a great option. i love mine (Glock & P3AT), although i do find myself carrying a S&W J frame from time to time also...

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Try to shoot them before making a final decision, small is nice but recoil can raise its ugly head on smaller handguns. I shoot Glocks in 40 S&W (G23/G27) and find them both very controllable and comfortable to shoot.

Good luck on you purchase.

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Linoge, something you might want to consider if it comes down between the XD and the G26. The Glock 26 loaded weighs what the XD SC weighs empty. When I was ready to buy my semi auto 9mm I got down to those two choices for myself. I handled both guns and chose the G 26. I haven't regretted it yet. I love my G 26. It is simple and a good tool. I am sure the XD is also, so basically I feel it is which ever feels the best in your hand and if weight is an issue then consider the difference there (Thanks to PackinMama for her insight).

Glock 26 WEIGHT

560 g / 19.75 oz. Empty

740 g / 26.10 oz. Loaded

XD Subcompact WEIGHT

26 oz. with empty compact mag

27 oz with empty extended mag

It doesn't say how much the XD weighs loaded but if we go by the difference in the G 26 then we can add 6.35 oz to the XD mag and get 32.35 oz. Of course that is my est. but it makes sense.

I know nothing about the PPS.

Edited by Guns&Dobes
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Linoge, something you might want to consider if it comes down between the XD and the G26. The Glock 26 loaded weighs what the XD SC weighs empty. When I was ready to buy my semi auto 9mm I got down to those two choices for myself. I handled both guns and chose the G 26. I haven't regretted it yet. I love my G 26. It is simple and a good tool. I am sure the XD is also, so basically I feel it is which ever feels the best in your hand and if weight is an issue then consider the difference there (Thanks to PackinMama for her insight).

Glock 26 WEIGHT

560 g / 19.75 oz. Empty

740 g / 26.10 oz. Loaded

XD Subcompact WEIGHT

26 oz. with empty compact mag

27 oz with empty extended mag

It doesn't say how much the XD weighs loaded but if we go by the difference in the G 26 then we can add 6.35 oz to the XD mag and get 32.35 oz. Of course that is my est. but it makes sense.

I know nothing about the PPS.

That's the weight for the XD Service Model.

The Empty weight for the XD SubCompact is 20.5oz.

3/4 of an ounce will not be noticable.

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Guest AeroEngrSoftDevMBA

I recently bought the XD-9 SC over the Glock. I chose the XD because of the grip safety, the chamber indicator, and the striker indicator. It's not much but the grip safety especially was a feature I liked to prevent Glock leg or Glock butt. I know, I know, proper handling prevents all accidents, and lots of Glock owners have used their guns for years without having stupid accidents while holstering. But I'm still human and mistakes happen.

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Guest Linoge

And this is the honest joy of asking for help on a public forum dedicated to the right topic - lots of people are willing to weigh in. Thanks to everyone, and if I somehow forget to address you specifically, that is just my absent-mindedness, not an attempt at insult.

glockster157: That is part of the reason I am looking at the smaller-framed semi-automatics - I am a lot more likely to actually carry it if it does not encumber me. Granted, I am not going for the smallest, simply because I like my pinky resting on something, but that is just personal taste.

As for Glocks, I will be honest with you all - the fanboys are to blame for it being ranked third at the moment. This is nothing against you Glock owners, nor the firearms themselves, but my experience with some of their owners has been kind of like dealing with Mac owners. This is a poor reflection on me, and I really do need to give them a better shake, but there it is. I have to admit I was impressed at how easily disassembled they are - my Baby Eagle is a pain in the butt, at least for that first pin.

And semi-autos are what I was trained on, what I know, and what I have experience with. Again, just a comfort factor, but it works for me.

John Wall: Thanks for the round advice - there certainly are even more choices for ammunition than there are for guns, almost.

nraforlife: Tried on the M&P line - they seem like good guns, but the fit is just not right for me.

cnight98: This will be the one carry gun for me. I may eventually build up in skill to the point of being able to pull off multiple concealed carries, and enough of a budget to run them both as well, but this is it for the time.

DWARREN123: Ack, more Glock votes :D. Though, on the topic, is there a place in the Knox region with a plethora of gun rentals available? CCA has quite a few, but not exactly what I was looking at, if I recall.

R1100R: I have found stores asking about $550 for them - I guess it depends on the shop. And, yeah, unfortunately, they are still quite new... the First Editions were almost universally bugged, but the non-Firsts seem to be performing well. But, yeah, still a new gun.

mousegunner: Shiny! In every aspect of the word. Thanks for the link - hopefully the information will be useful to someone.

Guns&Dobes: molonlabetn beat me to it. The numbers I was able to dig up on the frames indicated a weight of 1.23 pounds for the G26, 1.63 for the Springfield Sub-Comp XD-9, and 1.42 for the Walther. These could be in error, but I am not sure how much the differences would be noticeable.

AeroEngrSoftDevMBA: Logically (and safety-minded like you), I do like the grip safety myself, but after dry-firing it, it would take a bit of a change to my grip for it to work properly. Training should fix that without too much trouble, but it is something to consider.

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Guest janwbrown616
i'm probably going to be out there by myself on this one...but i'd go with the Glock. compliment it with a Keltec P3AT or a Ruger LCP for pocket carry when the bigger gun isnt such a great option. i love mine (Glock & P3AT), although i do find myself carrying a S&W J frame from time to time also...


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Hmmm I wonder why the website is wrong, they need to fix it, that is why I ended up with the Glock because I thought it weighed less. Oh well, I really like my Glock but I could have possibly had an XD Subcompact.

Edited by Guns&Dobes
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Guest Natosha

Mom maybe you need to just get a XD Subcompact :x:and just test the difference yourself! :D Don't tell mark I said that though!

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Guest mikedwood

I don't know anything about an XD, but I do have a G26. I really like it a lot. The recoil hop seems less with it than it does my larger (Though considered a compact) G19.

I'd say see if you can borrow or rent one of each for a few rounds. The G26 is really about a good a gun as I could imagine for carry (for me). I was nervous at first about the only safety being the trigger but I got over that and try and be very careful when I holster it. So far no blood, holes or anything of the sort.

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