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New member Hendersonville, TN

Guest RangerPaul

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Guest RangerPaul

Hello, Paul Stewart here. Live in Hendersonville, TN. I'm 56 years old, married, Navy veteran. Lifelong supporter of Second Amendment rights. Did some shooting when I was in the Navy and a few times here and there with friends over the years.


I just purchased my first firearm.  A revolver; S&W model 627, 8 shot, with the 2 5/8" barrel.


My first question, probably one of the most common new gun owner questions of all time I'm sure, is how do I transport my handgun in my "truck" (no trunk) legally between my house and the range. Or between my house and a friend's home if we were going to ride together and go shooting etc.


I have seen some say it needs to be in plain view. On the seat? That seems weird, If I was a cop and I pulled someone over and saw a gun sitting on the passenger seat or in the back seat I'd be immediately concerned. Other things I've read stated unloaded out of reach, like under the back seat, ammunition not in the same vicinity. Which is it, plain view, under the seat? Where is the actual law someone can download and read? 


I have searched high and low for something official on how to legally transport a handgun in Tennessee and amazingly I cannot find anything official.


There is no consistency in the answers posted on forums. This is troubling to say the least. 


I don't want to get pulled over and have my handgun confiscated because I don't know what the law is or worse, arrested. 


Please help.

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Welcome to TGO.  Hendersonville is a nice town...my Mom and Dad lived on Indian Lake Road for many years. Thank you for your service... If I were you I would get a handgun carry permit, then you will be safe to carry. 


Rob in Gatlinburg

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Without an TN HCP:  Firearm unloaded, and completely seperated from the ammo.   How you do it is up to you.  You need to show the Police very simply and visually plain, whatever way that may be, that it would be extremely difficult for you to put both of those elements together quickly in any manner.   This along with good communication to the officer at the time they stop you will go a very long way. 

Edited by sigrug17
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Welcome to TGO and thank you for your service!!!

I never had to deal with transporting in a truck like you describe so I never looked into it that well but as was mentioned, getting your HCP will fix that. Haven't seen any recent posts about how long the state is taking to process the applications these days but I'll bet you could have your very own HCP in 2 months or less!

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Welcome RangerPaul. You can find some overview quick reference info about TN gun laws at: http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/tennessee.pdf

You can review the Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA) at: http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/tncode/



State Reciprocity/How They Honor Other States Statute: 39-17-1351.
State Fire arm Laws: 39-17-1301 thru 39-17-1361
State Deadly Force Laws: 39-11-611
It's important to understand that possession outside of the home of a firearm in TN is generally speaking Illegal as worded in law, a HCP provides exception for many places. These statutes above outline the defense by which you are provided immunity from being prosecuted. This is an often forgotten or misunderstood point but highly important especially if you are trying to interpret some part that is not specifically enumerated in the code.
39-17-1308.  Defenses to unlawful possession or carrying of a weapon. 

  (a) It is a defense to the application of § 39-17-1307 if the possession or carrying was:

   (1) Of an unloaded rifle, shotgun or handgun not concealed on or about the person and the ammunition for the weapon was not in the immediate vicinity of the person or weapon;


If your handgun is in the glovebox unloaded and you have ammo stored in a range bag or grocery bag you are legal provided you have no other legal preclusions from possessing a firearm (i.e. convictions). And that you are not traveling with the firearm in an 'off-limit' place (i.e. school grounds) during your trip.


Hope that helps and feel free to ask if you are still unsure.

Go get your HCP!

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