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Field break-in of Kel-Tec P3AT 380 Auto


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As mentioned in another topic, I now have yet another P3AT.

This is my third one, although I gave away my first to someone who had a greater need for it than I did at the time. It was a 1st generation.

I now have two 2nd generation little Kel-Tecs. While I was happy with the 1st generation version after break-in and ramp polishing, the 2nd gens correct a few minor problems of the early guns, like the not needed ejector, single piece better contoured slide that doesn't lose the recoil rod/spring holder, properly smooth ramp and improved extractor. They did the 2nd gen right.

So, I went to the range to break-in the new handgun, as I have learned is needed for these little weapons.

I cleaned and lubricated the gun before shooting it. This also gives a good inspection of anything obviously wrong.

Loaded up some Remington plinker rounds. Put two rounds downrange and the third round had a FTE. Now, I've been shooting these P3ATs for some time, so I knew my problem was not limp-wristing that is common to new users, plus it wasn't stove-piping but more like the extractor wasn't seating properly. Cleared the handgun. 4th round was OK, but 5 & 6 FTEd.

Changed to a different magazine. Had two FTEs on that one. I was beginning to think a trip to Florida was in order for the new gun or at least a call for another extractor.

To make a long story short, the FTEs continued but at a much less frequent rate. By the 50th round, the problem had disappeared. You just have to plan on 50 rounds through the P3AT to get it operating reliably. BTW, that's a lot less than the 500 rounds Wilson Combat says you need to put downrange to get their 1911s working properly.

I put a couple of magazines of Hydra-Shoks through it to see how they would do. No problems - just as I expected.

Since this was a break-in run, I didn't bother to set up targets but just aimed at mud puddles and dirt clods. I found that without really trying I was pretty consistently (yes, there was an occasional flyer) able to get within three inches of objects at about 20 yards and certainly within a chest area at 50 yards.

These have proven themselves to be very good handguns for BUG or casual protection use. But you have to break them in.

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When I saw them, I thought that they were way too small and looked like they wouldn't hold up to anything...I now will rethink my position!

thanks mars.

I take it you bought the one from gunslingers? :D

I think if I can come across one, I'll pick it up just to see what it does, how I like it and will use it for a b u g or for a purse stuffer for Julie.

thanks for the info!!!


Guest Voodoo_1


I am glad that you posted this because I have always heard that you either love the P3AT or you hate it. Looks to me that maybe some of that hate was premature. With a new handgun having mutiple FTE's within the first 50 rds. fired, I could see someone thinking that this gun is a P.O.S. when in fact it is just not broken in yet. I will be the first to admit that I would have thought that. You have shed a whole new light on this little bug gun for me. Thanks!


Tower, Top Notch also carries them. Mike will match or beat Gunslingers.

Voodoo, The latest P3AT was the worst for FTEs. The first had more problems with reliable feeding and I did get some stovepipes that were my fault because of inexperience with the weapon (limp-wristing). I polished the ramp (that felt like it was corrugated) and the problem went away. But I've always suspected that the ramp work and feeding reliably was just coincidence. I think it just needed a good loosening up. At any rate, the 2nd gens have a smooth ramp.

My second P3AT had very few problems even from the beginning. I wouldn't consider carrying one until it has a hundred rounds through it, but normally 50 will smooth it out.

Once you get used to the handgun and loosen it up, it works well and is surprisingly accurate for such a short sight radius weapon. While I don't recommend it for distance shots, it does do OK if needed.

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