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New IDPA Rulebook 7 May

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That's not "thinking like a Christian" as Joel Olsen says

First, its Joel Osteen.

B, you're the one performing lewd acts in public.

On a serious note...

I'm gonna take time to read through the new changes this weekend and let them know what I don't like.
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Its starting to get Real Busy in the "Rules Of The Game" section of the IDPA website.  So far it appears to me that most folks are reacting to the same issues as we have on this thread.



Definitely... I don't post over there, but I went to check it out last night, to listen to what I assumed was going to a lot of apologists and "devil's advocate" type stuff, but that wasn't the case.... the new rules are getting hammered over there too.

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Its starting to get Real Busy in the "Rules Of The Game" section of the IDPA website.  So far it appears to me that most folks are reacting to the same issues as we have on this thread.


I really, really don't understand the change in times with the classifier.  I can't recall ever hearing anybody think that the times needed to be change.  This change is a complete disturbance of a founding standard. 


I plan to submit my comments in a few days. 


SSP will be a dead division expect for the "team shooters" if your within 2 seconds of all the allowable mods and goodies you might as well just go into ESP.

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We can't just assume someone else has complained about the problems with the new rule book. Each one of us needs to express every problem we have with every rule they proposed that is stupid, it needs an overwhelming response. If that doesn't work we can start making nasty calls and emails to the AC.


That will cause your AC to quit fixing your weapons and force you to actually spend money on a gunsmith or knowledge learning about your weapons......I loved putting your sights on backwards.  Funny thing is that you never caught it.


I can see why the Tiger Teams wanted to stay unnamed.......would you put your name on some of that crap! LMAO!


The Rules you are viewing are not the ones that the Tiger Team agreed with.  No matter what was proposed for changes, IDPA has full right to accept or change them suggestions as they see fit.  I wasted almost 4 months of my time away from my family to help them on the TT (because they did not ask any of you for your input....wonder why) when they completely messed up the Match Administration portion with the release of the draft on May 7th.  This is completely way off from what the TT did.

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That really is bad news that the TT input was overlooked...., Bad Indeed.  :stunned:


Makes one wonder if any of the comments on the RB will even be looked at by HQ. 


Funny that our names are listed on each comment we make on the IDPA website about the RB, but yet the names of those reviewing that input are unknown to us.


Well if it doesn't work out I'll just Bitch to the KY/TN Area Coordinator.  :stir:  





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That will cause your AC to quit fixing your weapons and force you to actually spend money on a gunsmith or knowledge learning about your weapons......I loved putting your sights on backwards.  Funny thing is that you never caught it.



The Rules you are viewing are not the ones that the Tiger Team agreed with.  No matter what was proposed for changes, IDPA has full right to accept or change them suggestions as they see fit.  I wasted almost 4 months of my time away from my family to help them on the TT (because they did not ask any of you for your input....wonder why) when they completely messed up the Match Administration portion with the release of the draft on May 7th.  This is completely way off from what the TT did.


So why even have the teams if they aren't going to go with what they came up with? Hey here work for nothing and spend 18 months trying to fix the old rule book, but we are just going to over look it and do what HQ wants.

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The Rules you are viewing are not the ones that the Tiger Team agreed with. No matter what was proposed for changes, IDPA has full right to accept or change them suggestions as they see fit. I wasted almost 4 months of my time away from my family to help them on the TT (because they did not ask any of you for your input....wonder why) when they completely messed up the Match Administration portion with the release of the draft on May 7th. This is completely way off from what the TT did.

So you spent 4 months on it and they didn't take any of your suggestions? Edited by BrasilNuts
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So you spent 4 months on it and they didn't take any of your suggestions?


They did take some but took little suggestions.  They changed words from required to recommended, changed awards process, categories, etc.  I was on the Match Admin portion (one of the last groups meeting).  We finished up the week before Christmas 2012.

Edited by HOGNUT
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I have voiced my objections on the IDPA site, and if some of the rules I strongly disagree with stay in effect I'll stop shooting IDPA and go to USPSA. They aren't the only game in town. Thankfully I will get to shoot the nationals for the first, and probably last, time under the current rules. Have I mentioned I don't like excessive rules?

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aa. The Match Director(s) must not shoot the match for score.



So who is going to run the tier 5 match if they arent allowed to shoot it??

Michael didn't shoot our first sanctioned match and didn't shoot the second for score. He may have ran out of time on the second but I still don't think he was going for score. I rushed through on SO shoot day to get finished to do other responsibilities.

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on PD 5 i talked to Mrs Wilson about the free pass disable shooter are suppose to have. her comment is we do have free pass on what eqipment that is needed, i can use. i told her the rule says you mount the equipment anywere i need. but mag holsters are the racing type so they can be canted forward and not legal. again she i stated doe nots matter for the disable. i told there is no exeption about that in the rules



5 9.1 on the ladies gear the worded rule does not match what is drawn out on the picture

Edited by RWF
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I wasn't going to post here, being a relative newcomer to IDPA, although certainly not to handgun competition (shot IPSC for years). What I read in these rules is a bunch of total BS.  The way I see it is that if you can conceal your pistol of choice, then it's legal.  I personally don't care whether I'm competing against someone with an RMR or open sights.  My opinion has always been that it's not the arrow, it's the archer.  In SSP, I can add aftermarket sights, but I can't stipple my grip or add something as innocuous as a Grip Force Adaptor to my G19?  IMO this is total crap!  I'm not asking to slap on a scope or a laser, and neither of the above has anything to do with concealability.  I certainly don't have a problem shooting against someone with a 1911 in any caliber, so why all these different classes.  A Marksman with a custom 1911 is still a Marksman.  Rant over... :popcorn:

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They did take some but took little suggestions.  They changed words from required to recommended, changed awards process, categories, etc.  I was on the Match Admin portion (one of the last groups meeting).  We finished up the week before Christmas 2012.



Mike, that is a shame.  From the looks of the rulebook, your TT is not the only one whose work was ignored.  I am really having doubts about the whole TT process and if half those doubts are true, then the review/input process is probably just a formality.  Thanks for your time and efforts, though. 


Interestingly, roughly half of the logged comments deal with 9.1/9.2.  Maybe we'll see if the review process is for real, or if BOD is just gonna swing the hammer. 

Edited by deerslayer
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