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A short story...

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  • 2 months later...

Chapter 4


The trio made their way out of what was now a tomb for his recently departed sibling. Jack then realized his hair was standing on end when the had stepped out from the bedroom. He turned in time to see a set of jaws open for his throat. He had enough time to get his hand up balled into a fist and shoved it into the mouth of his assailant where they both fell into the wall. Mike was just about to pull the one off of Jack when he shook his head and yelled, "No! Behind you!", Mike and Shirley both turned around and saw that more of them, no less than twenty of them, were no more than twenty feet away, shambling their way to what would be a buffet. Jack yelled to them, "Take my truck, the keys're in it! Get out of here, NOW!!!" Mike had a reluctant grimace but knew they had to go. Mike grabbed Shirley and they both ran out the door to back into the garage. Jack then began screaming to grab the attention of those that were outside, "HEY YOU MONSTERS, IN HERE!!! Fresh food for ya!" He then used his free hand and grabbed up the same Ka-Bar off his belt and thrust it into the side of the temple of his would be cannibal. He drew his hand back and threw a punch motion forcing the now limp body off of him. 


Jack immediately headed up the stairs to the second story of the home while the crowd following him gave chase. The poor people moaned, grunted, and made noises that would make a normal person cringe. Jack ran to the back porch which had a spiral stair case leading down to where the things had made their initial entry into the home. Jack drew his EDC flashlight, giving the LED flashlight a quick click which illuminated the area. "Oh sh%t..." Jack thought there may have been thirty of them at best, it was more around eighty of them. Jack knew he didn't have much time and had to think on his feet at this point because the enemy was not only at the gates but also at the back door, literally. Thankfully about half of them were inside the house giving chase to him which left about twenty-five of them out here in the open. He began to run down the stairs stopping halfway down to use the rail like a monkey-bar as some of them were making their way up the staircase towards him. He jumped feet first clipping one with his boot to which threw off his landing. Jack landed very awkwardly and on his hind-end sending a shock from tweaking his tailbone. Tears welled up in eyes as he got up to run with everything he had. One of them that wasn't far behind the one he kicked began to reach for him when he slammed the rifle butt into the things face sending it tumbling to the ground. Jack kept one hand on his rifle to keep it from bouncing back and fourth and his other hand was holding his light. Jack thought to himself, 'What a lovely day this has been. I don't know how things could get any...'. He then thought back to his science classes when he was younger and remembered his teacher had told him about Murphy's Law. He then retracted the thought he was about to say to himself and then thought, 'Yeah, nevermind.'

Whitewolf, that is some fine writing you are doing! Hope to hear a publisher picks you up but now I too would like to read more. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work!
Posted (edited)

One week later in front of an unassuming florist shop...


Jack then dodged from building to building during the day and took refuge in abandoned houses and buildings by night after a thorough room clearing. One night in particular he only got two hours of sleep due to entering a house that was overrun and spent the better part of that night on the run. He explained everything that had happened to him to his fellow MAG members and, for all he knew, his only remaining family member. They all stood there taking it in, his sister didn't take the loss of their sibling well, "You mean?..." Jack looked down to hide his face for many reasons, most of which because he felt like he was responsible for her death and not being there, "She's gone Julie..." Julie, his sister whose jaw had dropped at this point, had begun to sob. Sarah hugged her knowing that she would need it. Julie then began to wail into Sarah's shoulder while sobbing all the while. Jeb then looked away hearing something, apparently Tay heard it too. He put his hand on Tay's shoulder and threw his head into the direction of the sound he heard. The two moved in tandem towards the possible threat around the back of the shop. Weapons at the ready scanning fields of fire, they saw nothing.


Just then a cat leaped from a dumpster that had its lid open. Jeb looked to Tay whom smiled at him, then said "Damned cats always freak me out when I least expect it." The two came back around the side, Tay immediately pushed Jeb back around the corner looking to him he put his index finger in front of his face to indicate to be quiet. The two then peeked around the corner. Jeb then realized what had happened. Tay had seen a group of them, easily numbering well over one thousand, shambling through the street, seeking an easy meal and more than likely attracted to the sound of the gun fire from moments ago. The suppressors are effective at reducing sound signature but they aren't like those used in Hollywood movies where they are quieter than air rifles. The massive group wandered aimlessly looking for that easy meal, like a swarm of ants moving for a single purpose they moved out of the area after about twenty minutes. Once the last one had passed and was well away, Jeb and Tay made their way over to the old military truck to find the other three members of their group in the bed of the truck. Jeb asked in a hushed voice, "You guys alright?" Sarah replied, "Yeah, we're okay. That was... uncomfortable." Jack chimed in, "To say the least." Tay then said, "What say we get the HELL outta dodge?" Jeb smiled, "Couldn't agree more." The old truck started with a mighty rumble. The turbo whined at a high pitch as the engine began picking up RPM's. Jeb made a mental note to avoid the direction those things were going, 'Yeah, we're just gonna go this way.'

Edited by whitewolf001
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

One day later...


The M35A2 rumbled along the city street, the banded group saw everything one could expect to find in a war zone and then some as cannibalism isn't exactly common place, even in modern war-torn countries, especially when it involves the resurrected dead. While searching for supplies on their way to Romeo Hotel, the group happened upon an elderly man feasting upon a cat that he had caught in a snare. When they realized that he wasn't a walking corpse, they understood just how bad things had gotten. Jack had an idea that the man would likely turn cannibal or worse if the opportunity arose, just given this short amount of time that has changed.


He had even contemplated killing him so as to for one, eliminate a future threat to someone else, both as a human and a corpse. No matter how many times he mulled it over though, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Jeb was apparently thinking the same exact same thing as Jack and took it upon himself to dispatch the man. Jeb approached the crazed codger who payed no mind to Jeb. He flipped the safety off of his suppressed carbine, shouldered the weapon and discharged it into the mans skull. Jack, even though he knew why, he asked, "Why, how could you?" Jeb simply replied, "He may not be a threat now, but here soon he could be and I don't give a @#$% about him, I care about you guys and our objective, that's all."


Jack would remember this as the first time he saw true merciless killing all in the name of "protecting the group". The craziest part to Jack, was that he made no attempt to stop Jeb, he watched him and knew what he was about to do. When Jack questioned Jeb, it wasn't out of disgust or disappointment but an actual question of 'how' to which Jeb answered. He didn't like it but he stomached it and he knew, from here on it would only get harder. Jack remembered a Navy Seal quote he heard in one of his classes he attended, 'The only easy day was yesterday.' 

Edited by whitewolf001

Good to see you back on this. I think I'll go back to the beginning...again. I keep reading so many different books that I'm beginning to have trouble sorting out the storylines.


Good to see you back on this. I think I'll go back to the beginning...again. I keep reading so many different books that I'm beginning to have trouble sorting out the storylines.

Heck, I have to do that sometimes just to make sure I'm getting my own material right and not mix up anything, lol. It's pretty difficult to stay focused until you have new inspiration but once you do, it's like a fire under your butt, ha!

Posted (edited)

Jack thought back to the gruesome sight of the crazed man eating that cat, uncooked and only half skinned. He tried to justify Jeb's actions but his conscience wouldn't allow him to do so. He shelved this thought into the back of his mind and tried not to ponder on it. Tay leaned his head through the folded down rear window of the canvas top, "Eyes up gang, get your weapons at the ready." Jack leaned into the window to see what Tay was talking about. The truck was approaching military roadblock but there were no armed guards manning it. There were two Humvee's parked at the entryway to create a funnel effect which left the deuce just enough room to squeeze by.


It was a military checkpoint that was abandoned. They crept slowly through the encampment, Tay brought the deuce to a halt and killed the motor. The group waited to see if anyone, or thing, would come out to greet them as they sat there. No one approached the old transport truck after sitting there for a few minutes. Tay gave a thumbs up. Everyone crawled out of the truck, both from the cab and the bed, weapons at the low ready. The group joined up at the back end of the truck. In a hushed voice, Tay said, "Jeb, you go with Julie and Jack. Search the area, get anything you can find that you think is useful. I'll leave that judgement up to you." They all nodded in agreement and began their very careful search of the area. Tay and Sarah took up patrol of the east area which had a medical tent. As the two looked through the tent here, there many dead bodies that had 'ripened' due to the heat of the last few days. Sarah used a bandanna she had around her head as a mask. Tay did the same with his Shemagh, that he had brought back from the sandbox, he had around his neck. 


The two searched this tent and recovered as much as they could which was far more than they thought was there. The two of them were able to fill up one of the sealable containers used by the DOD, watertight and airtight with a pressure relief valve, these were good to go. The only things they couldn't use were the liquid medications left like the saline bags as they had been exposed to too much heat compromising their capability. The bags had turned a yellowish color, they weren't good anymore. Tay knew this from the medical training he had received in his stint with the Department of Defense. The meds they could use were those in pill or cream form, they snagged all those that they possibly could. Just as they finished up, the two heard a scream from across the camp along with a few pops from what they guessed were suppressed gunfire. Tay looked at Sarah whose color was running out of her face. The couple fast moved it, with their dominant hands on their weapons, over to the origin of the sound. 

Edited by whitewolf001
Posted (edited)

The trio of survivors made their way over to the west side of the abandoned area. Julie began to look frightened, "What do you think happened here?" Without turning to look at her Jeb answered, "Overrun from the looks of it, though likely from the inside from someone who was bitten and admitted to where there was a lot of fresh meat, a hospital tent." Julie asked, "And where are we?" Jack answered her this time, "Looks like a logistics and security. If they got left behind, there may be some sweet toys left here. Look around and see what you can find." The three looked throughout the area and found several things that were useful, including a topographical map of the area and the state, enough radios for the five of them, a compass with tritium dials, a pair of binoculars, several cases of water and MRE's, a crate of NATO STANAG magazines, and several ammo cans containing ammo one of which, contained HE 40mm grenades.


Jeb called over Jack to look at something. When he got to it, he couldn't help but smile. It was locked but completely loaded weapons rack and they have the ammo cans and mags to service these weapons. There were six M4A1 carbines with M68 CCO's, two M16A4 rifles with M150 RCO's, and two M16A4's with the M203 grenade launcher attachment and iron sights. Jeb looked at Jack and said, "These guys were alot more ready than just containment. I get the feeling that their superiors had an idea of what they were up against." Jack nodded in agreement, "Yeah, what was their obj..." Before he could finish his sentence the two of them heard a blood curdling scream. Jack thought the absolute worst and spun around to see Julie fending off one of 'them' keeping it at arms length. Jaws snapping and popping trying to get to their easy meal. Jeb readied his PS90 and shouted to Julie, "STEP TO YOUR LEFT" She was experiencing a heightened state of panic and couldn't hear anything, not even her own scream in fear. Jack didn't even think about it, he ran straight for her and put the maw of his suppressor to the head of her assailant and discharged his weapon. The body fell with a slump, "Keep your filthy hands off my sister you b%stard." Jack felt the very same righteous rage he felt the night that he happened upon Mary's body. The thought of her corpse crossed his mind, making him grit his teeth, "You already got one, like @#$% you're getting the other." Jack legitimately hated 'them' with every fiber of his being. He aimed his long gun at the head of his downed target and let loose two more rounds followed by a quick spit to its body to show his disdain.


Jack let his weapon fall and let the sling do it's job, "Julie are okay? Did it bite or scratch you anywhere?" She said "No..." in a hushed whimper and then began to cry. Just then Tay and Sarah rounded the corner to see what had transpired, both lowered their weapons once they saw no immediate threat. Sarah walked over to Julie and hugged her from the side, Sarah asked, "What happened?" Julie answered in between her sobs, "Jeb was showing Jack something and I was looking for other stuff we could use and heard something behind me and then..." She began to cry again, Sarah shot Jeb and Jack both a look of disapproval borderline anger. Jeb pointed at Jack as to say 'It's his fault'. Jack caught on to his ploy, "What the hell man?" Jeb just smiled, "Well that could've been alot worse. But on that note, we hit the @#$%ing jackpot!" Jeb led the rest of them over to their newly discovered stash and they stood in front of the rifle rack looking on in awe. Tay let loose a low toned whistle, "Well that ought to boost our net-worth." he said with a smile.

Edited by whitewolf001
  • 2 weeks later...

Jeb, Tay, and Jack had just finished loading all the equipment they had found into the bed of the Deuce. Jack looked at Tay with a concerned look on his face, "Where's Ju..." knowing what he was going to ask Tay responded, "They're in the command tent relaxing for a sec. Leave em be to have some girl time." The body of the dropped assailant was moved around to the back of the tent where the girls were staying. Jeb climbed up the side of the Deuce to get on the hood to acquire a better vantage point. He looked around in a 360 degrees spin, then locked eyes with the North. He then said, "Hey Jack, c'mere!" Jack walked over to the side of the transport truck, "What's up man?" Jeb without looking at him and with a concerned look on his face while facing the direction where they first came in, said "Lemme see your bi-nocs." Jack, puzzled and a little alarmed by this, reached into his vest pocket to retrieve the optics and proceeded to toss them to Jeb, who almost lost his footing reaching for them but regained his balance.


He looked through them in the direction he had been looking and his jaw dropped from what he saw, "Um, time to go!" He tossed the binoculars back to Jack which he pocketed, "What's wrong man??" Jeb without answering ran to the girls in the command tent, "We've gotta go, NOW!" The girls didn't question him, they picked up their things and ran for the truck in a hurry. Tay came from around back of the M35 and asked Jeb, "What's up dude? Your face is so pale." Jack climbed the side of the Deuce and pulled his ranged optics back out, looking through them he saw what had scared Jeb. A massive group of shambling, slowly moving but never stopping people were heading right for them. Jack felt the hair on the back of his neck raise up and his 'fight or flight' instinct kicked in, telling him to do the latter. He threw his glass back into the vest pocket zipping it up. "Go, go, go, go!" Tay climbed up into the cab slamming the door, Sarah climbed into the passenger side of the cab with him while the other three scurried up the back of the M35. Jack used his hands as a ladder for his sister, then for Jeb and in turn, Jeb leaned over the back tailgate and reached for Jack pulling him up into the back of the truck. Julie saw what the others had seen and she began to perspire a cold sweat. 


The large group they had avoided in front of the florist shop had come back to haunt them for approached an endless sea of gnawing bodies headed directly for their location. Tay started the truck and began to pull away. The truck began to pull away when suddenly the large group exploded into hundreds of flying, burning bodies. Tay stopped the Deuce to turn and see what was happening. Multiple subsequent explosions occurred ripping the bodies apart, incinerating some, and just knocking over others from the concussion. The blasts were close enough that everyone in the truck could feel it in their chest and caused their ears to ring. Roaring away was an A-10 Thunderbolt II accompanied by another jet of the same make. It had deployed its munitions onto the large group. The other A-10 did the same in a second pass, deploying the same munitions onto the remainder of their targets. The screaming jets made one more pass using their 30mm GAU-8 Avenger main-gun to pick off groups of stragglers. The bodies turned into pink vapor when contacted by the 30mm round as the two aircraft's peppered the ground with bursts of fire. This eliminated well over 90% of the horde that was making their way towards them. The planes veered off towards the East, back to their point of origin. Jack and Jeb looked at each other, all either one of them could say was, "Damnnnn..." Tay chimed in, "Man, I haven't seen ordinance dropped like that since I was in the sandbox!" he said with a smile on his face.

  • 4 months later...

A few hours later...


The Deuce cruised along churning it's Continental Motors Company six cylinder diesel along the small country highway. The massive truck began to slow and the squeal of its brakes actuating brought it to a full stop. Jeb peered his head through the folded window, "What's up, why're we stopping?" He looked through the front window of the place they were pulled in front of and saw yellow siding, "Is this a Dollar General??" he asked. Tay responded with a smile, "Yep, figured we'll grab some grub." Jeb leaned back out of the window and looked to Julie and Jack, "Looks like we're making a pit stop." Julie then exclaimed, "Oh thank god, I've had to go to the bathroom for FOREVER." Jack looked to them, "Check your gear and make sure it's fastened good and tight. We are gonna have to clear this place before we do anything."


Sarah leaned in through the opened rear window, "Tay says for you guys bail out and wait for us to come around, he's gonna pull the truck around and park it nearly against the back door in case we gotta bail." The three in the bed jumped out the back and moved to the front entrance. Jeb peered inside to get a look, all the lights were out as there was no longer any power. Darkness shrouded most of the store except for a few feet in front of the entrance as it was moving from day to night. Jeb used his flashlight to peer inside but there was no movement. He turned to Jack, "I got nothin man." Jack nodded in response. The sound of the Deuce cutting off let them know that Tay positioned the truck. Sarah came around the side quietly and before rounding the corner, she stopped calling out quietly, "Romeo." Jack responded with a hushed, "Juliet." The group had talked about this longbefore anything happened and decided to use this system so as to prevent any kind of friendly fire, with Jack at the rear of the cluster, he spun around to face Julie as Sarah rounded the corner and took up rear point.


The group had trained for moving in groups under Tay's instruction and he was especially hard on her as to make sure she kept up her own weight in the team. Jeb gave Julie a light and said, "Hold this while I crack open this mother..." Right when he said that a face impacted the door, fingers clawing and trying as hard as they may to get through the transparent door. He jumped back and yelled, "Holy @#$%!" He leveled his suppressed PDW at the door, aimed for the head, and let loose a twenty-two caliber projectile. The bullet passed through the glass and hit right on the bridge of the nose, thus piercing the skull. The body dropped to the ground making a thud that could be heard from the outside. Julie was a little shocked but not enough to cause panic, she held her composure as she held the light for Jeb. He removed a small tool kit from his rig that contained a lock pick kit. Julie now curious, "Why not just break the glass?" she asked in a whisper. Jeb without turning to look at her, focused on his task, "Because we want to be able to lock this behind us and create a barrier." Julie was a little impressed by their forethought on the matter, "You've really thought this out haven't you?" He didn't respond to her but instead twisted the lock carefully, "There we go." He put away his small tools and grabbed the trim of the door and pulled it wide open. Jack moved in front of Julie, "Stay behind me."


Jack took point as Jeb stood in the entryway waiting to take up the rear. Julie followed Jack with Sarah behind her. Jeb finally followed in last behind Sarah, slowly closing the automatic sliding door, then locking it from the inside. The layout would take them a few minutes to clear due to the many rows of aisles. Moving slowly over to the checkout counter, Jack kept his weapon at the low ready and was prepared to engage any hostile should they appear; he used his supporting to activate his weapon mounted light, Jeb and Sarah followed to do the same. Julie followed very closely behind Jack while Sarah moved immediately to their right with Jeb following behind her. The latter two moved to secure the restrooms first, Jeb entered first to clear the restrooms while Sarah stood out front of them to make sure nothing followed him inside.


He checked the lady's room with nothing to be found except an unkempt restroom; he then moved to the men's room, when the door opened a face lunged out at him but was stopped by it's own human form as its shoulders locked it between the door and the frame. Jeb had kept his hand on the door handle on both bathroom doors in case anything came through. Jeb then leveled his PDW using his free hand and pressed the suppressed short barreled rifle up against the creatures forehead, "Say goodnight Sally." squeezing the spongy like trigger of the bullpup weapon. The head of his would be attacker dipped as he fired, with it's jaws headed for hand. He then pulled tighter on the door to slow the creatures decent and used the suppressor to catch the creatures mouth in the top forcing the metal cylinder into it's jowls, he pulled the trigger twice and then once more to satisfy his own aggression.


Jeb then swung the door on the water closet wide open, satisfied that it was clear, he went into the room and to appease the rebel in him, he then urinated in the sink. After completing this, he used a paper towel in the bathroom to wipe the decayed flesh off his weapon. He looked down onto the sink bowl as something off color from the white bowl caught his eye. Laying there was a Smith & Wesson 637 to which Jeb picked it up, opened the cylinder and lowered the revolver low enough to catch some of the light thrown from his primary weapon, the cylinder showed that three rounds had been expended while 2 were still fresh and ready to go.


Jack slowly peered over the top of the checkout counter, moving with slow precise action as to not alert anything that may be on the other side. Upon seeing nothing, Jack moved along with Julie skirting the counter and with every aisle they passed on their right they would muzzle it making sure to clear it but still moving slow enough that he could maintain awareness of what was in front of him as he couldn't trust Julie to properly sweep the aisles as she hadn't trained for it. He then stopped and threw his fist into the air. Julie assumed that this meant stop and don't move as that's exactly what Jack had done. He then spun around the side of the counter to peer down it to confirm his first initial inspection which now, he was glad he checked a second time as there was a dead body behind the counter. The body had three bullet wounds in the chest and did not move upon Jack clearing the corner, "This guy must've been killed in a robbery just as it all went down." He then turned around to clear the rest of the store with Julie closely behind him.

Posted (edited)

The four of them cleared the rest of the store with nothing to be found, they then began to salvage everything they could. Anything not nailed down was being removed and put into the back of the Deuce. Jack was collecting all the medical supplies while Jeb was getting food. Julie was grabbing non-essential stuff such as toiletries, laundry soaps, etc. Sarah was standing by the front door keeping watch in case someone, or something, came from around this side while Tay was keeping watch over the back. Darkness had settled in for the evening and it was a moonless night, making it difficult to see anything passed ten feet though some night-vision found with the military gear surely helped. Sarah had already watched one shamble across the road searching for its next victim.


Jack was taking a short break to enjoy a cigarette out by the back door, he slowly climbed into the back of the truck and made his way forward to cab. Tay was monitoring his field of vision with a set of his own NVG's. Jack smoked his 'cancer stick', as Jeb called them, and sat in the back of the truck with his back to the cab, "So what's our next move Tay? Think we can make it by tomorrow?" Tay without looking at him and continuing his scan, "Maybe, who knows? We may have to detour for any number of reasons one of which may be to not lure those things to the B.O.L. especially if they gather like that one that the A10's took out." Jack sat there thinking about how the jets swarmed in, "You think maybe that they were saving us or just on a seek and destroy mission?" Tay lowered his NVG, turned to the rear to look at Jack out of the corner of his eye, "Hard to tell brother, who knows. Gimme one of those." Jack opened the box and put it through the cab opening. Tay retrieved one and before he could ask for a light, Jack hit Tay on the side of the head with a small Bic he had found in the store. "Lot of stuff was gone already but one thing that wasn't were the lighters, tons of those little dudes."


Tay put his NVG back on and immediately patted Jack on the shoulder, "Danger close, two tango's from twelve o'clock in bound." Jack then looked through trying to use his natural night vision but the night was so pitch it was like staring into a black hole, no light to be had. He then caught some of the movement that Tay was watching, it was far too fast for it to be the things they had seen. It was a person and they were darting from cover to cover. Jack wanted to get the drop on them but make sure that they didn't wake the neighborhood. Knowing how dark it was, if it was hard for Jack to see them, they probably had no idea they were there. Jack made his was quietly out from the back of the Deuce and moved to the front right side of the truck then went prone with his weapon on the ground while Tay slowly opened the front window of the Deuce just enough to get the muzzle of his weapon under the glass using his support hand to hold the NVG's he had been using. Jack waited for Tay to relay some kind of signal as Jack could only make out the occasional movement. Tay then stomped his foot twice heavily into the floor of the Deuce giving a nice verbal 'thump'.


Jack and Tay then both flipped their weapon lights on shining the sneaky duo. At this distance they could give commands loudly enough to assert authority but quietly enough as to not let everyone know where they were at. "DON'T MOVE!!!" Tay called out. It was a pair of girls, one maybe all of sixteen, the other twelve. The duo looked tired and ragged, plus now frightened, and probably thought they could nab something from the abandoned convenience store, or that's what it looked like to Jack anyways. Jack got up from the ground and leaned into the passenger side window of the Deuce, "They're kids man." Tay not lowering his weapon, "That means jack @#$% to me. Search em man." Jack responded, "Listen, Tay, lemme go grab Julie or Sarah and have them search these girls, at least give them that man." It was obvious that Tay didn't like this decision, "Fine but double time it, we're sitting ducks out here with this torch on."


End of Chapter 4

Edited by whitewolf001

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