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Music City Tactical Shooters--Intro To Shooting Match

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After seeing AO's video I am even more mad I missed. I think this is my favorite format for a match.
I have came down with a case of the shingles. It sucks and is quite painful.
I hope you guys liked the stages. Please thank Dale when you see him for setting up. And big thanks to Lagerhead for coming out just to help.
See you at the Glock match

Man, I didn't think you were old enough for shingles...that's scary, you're now the second person I know that's had it.


I wish you speedy recovery and hope to see you on the range soon!

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Adot, would you mind to post a picture of how you have your GoPro mounted to your hat?


I took a GoPro buckle and sewed it to the bill of hat with fishing line. One thing I didn't consider is that the lens is offset to the left side, so the video is slightly off center.






It rainy..Me sleepy Inny. (first time in about 6 weeks...)


Good video. Man how tough with the malfunctions. A new light load????


Ran out of 230 round nose bullets and was switching to 200gr SWC. I tested 50 rounds without problem on Wed, but obviously still need some work.



After seeing AO's video I am even more mad I missed. I think this is my favorite format for a match.
I have came down with a case of the shingles. It sucks and is quite painful.
I hope you guys liked the stages. Please thank Dale when you see him for setting up. And big thanks to Lagerhead for coming out just to help.
See you at the Glock match


You put together some great stages! Feel better man.

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