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Fruit Tree Experts?

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I bought this "Cherry Tree" and planted it about four years ago when it was a little stick. I purchased it from a major seed company.


Please correct me if I'm wrong but, it sure doesn't look like a cherry tree or any tree at all. Please tell me I didn't waste the last four years on this bush! I believe it takes about seven years to get your first cherries, at my age I don't have another seven years waiting on a cherry tree...





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It doesn't look like a cherry tree to me.


I have a different problem with a peach tree that I planted 7 years ago when we bought our house. It has only grown about 8 inches in those 7 years. Something tells me that it doesn't like the soil in Lavergne.

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I don't know about Cherry trees,





It doesn't look like a cherry tree to me.


I have a different problem with a peach tree that I planted 7 years ago when we bought our house. It has only grown about 8 inches in those 7 years. Something tells me that it doesn't like the soil in Lavergne.


Peach and almond tree are so close related you can sometimes not tell them apart until they bare fruit or nuts.  a few years ago I brought 2 almond trees and end up with one almond and 1 peach from the same place.

Dad had a similar problem and when he called to complain they ask him how he really knew and he said he just finished eat a peach.

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Cherry trees are very prone to sprouting from the base hence the "bush" appearance. From the picture it looks like cherry leaves to me.

Do two things. Take a close up pic of the stem(bark) and a close up pic a leaf.

On the stem get as close as you can and still be clear.
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I have a different problem with a peach tree that I planted 7 years ago when we bought our house. It has only grown about 8 inches in those 7 years. Something tells me that it doesn't like the soil in Lavergne.


 That's because there is no "soil" in LaVergne.

 There's only whatever dirt that has settled on the rock over the past years, and what little the contractors brought in when they built the subdivisions.

 Try "prickly pears" or cedar trees and you'll have better luck.


 Back when I grew up out in the area, you could grow a garden as long as you didn't want more than tomatoes and cucumbers.



Edited by Varmint
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