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Anyone buy non-working PS3's around Nashville?

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While watching Zero Dark Thirty, my PS3 quit working. It just froze. Now it won't play Blu-ray or DVD. It doesn't sound like anything happens when I put the movie in. We don't play games, so I didn't have one to try, but I suspect it won't work either. Everything else seems to work just fine.


I have the console (pretty sure it's a 40GB) and power cord, one controller, controller charging cable, factory A/V cable (never used).


Does anyone know what one in this condition may be worth? I'm just going to go with a regular Blu-ray player.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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There are a lot of stories about taking it apart and baking the mother board in the oven for awhile to set the solder joints back together. Probably worth googling and trying.

I appreciate the info, but it's not worth my time. We don't play games, so I think we are going to go with a Blu-ray player. I was hoping I may be able to get something out of the PS3.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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Guest Keal G Seo

Is it one of the auto loading ones or the new (old style) snap in?

If it is an auto loader and the loading action is still working it can be a number of things from just a dirty laser to the motor going out. If it isn't auto loading but is that style, the drive is shot and can be easily replaced or it just came unplugged (inside on the drive).

If it is the new one with snap in loading, try to see if the disc is spinning. If it is it could just be a dirty lens. If not the drive is either shot or unplugged (again on the inside).

Value, since the PS4 announcement (to drop this year) prices have gone down on used units. I can pick up functional ones all day long for less than $75 all around town. So a broken one you will be lucky to get 30 bucks or so from someone that is going to fix it and resell it. My suggestion, take whatever cash you can get for it from a GameStop or similar store and just apply that to a Wal-Mart BR player.around 50 bucks.

Gotta ask though, if you aren't a gamer why/how did you get the PS3 as just a blue ray player?

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I can answer that, when the PS3 came out it was $499 and a blu-ray was $599.


To the point, I had the came issue where it stopped playing blu-ray, a good shot of canned air fixed it, it was just a dirty lens.

Edited by hkusp40cal
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Guest Keal G Seo

I can answer that, when the PS3 came out it was $499 and a blu-ray was $599.

Ah yeah, that was a few years ago. Had forgotten about the whole PS3 losing money for Sony deal back then. Yeah, goes to show why I wait a year or two to buy into new tech. 8 years and a 90% price drop.

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Is it one of the auto loading ones or the new (old style) snap in?

If it is an auto loader and the loading action is still working it can be a number of things from just a dirty laser to the motor going out. If it isn't auto loading but is that style, the drive is shot and can be easily replaced or it just came unplugged (inside on the drive).

If it is the new one with snap in loading, try to see if the disc is spinning. If it is it could just be a dirty lens. If not the drive is either shot or unplugged (again on the inside).

Value, since the PS4 announcement (to drop this year) prices have gone down on used units. I can pick up functional ones all day long for less than $75 all around town. So a broken one you will be lucky to get 30 bucks or so from someone that is going to fix it and resell it. My suggestion, take whatever cash you can get for it from a GameStop or similar store and just apply that to a Wal-Mart BR player.around 50 bucks.

Gotta ask though, if you aren't a gamer why/how did you get the PS3 as just a blue ray player?

It sold for $50. Ten less than my asking price.

I bought the PS3 because they were about the same price as a decent Blu-ray player at the time. That was looooong before the $50 Blu-ray players of today.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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Guest Keal G Seo

It sold for $50. Ten less than my asking price.

I bought the PS3 because they were about the same price as a decent Blu-ray player at the time. That was looooong before the $50 Blu-ray players of today.

Wow, no way I could $50 for a busted one around here. Sticker price at most of the pawn shops is 75. Though refurbs at places like GS are still in the 150-200 range.
Where did you sell it at? Might check with them, given there is one near by, next time I have some busted electronics.

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Wow, no way I could $50 for a busted one around here. Sticker price at most of the pawn shops is 75. Though refurbs at places like GS are still in the 150-200 range.
Where did you sell it at? Might check with them, given there is one near by, next time I have some busted electronics.

I sold it to someone on Craigslist. I actually had a bunch of people call, but he was the first one to bring the money.

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