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Firearms Sales Slowing Due to No Ammo?

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I don't have empirical evidence, but seems overall slowing down.


Most certainly, I see both handguns and rifles in TGO Trading Post sitting longer or not selling, even the ones that are quite fair deals.


If you can't afford, or even get, ammo to shoot them, gotta affect sales, no?


- OS

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It's a reasonable theory...whether it's true or not is probably impossible to say.

Even if gun sales are slowing down I think it would be impossible to isolate the specific reason(s).

I too agree, I"m certainly not going to plunk down $$$ to buy a gun if I can't buy ammo for it. Edited by RobertNashville
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I don't mind to buy a gun that I can't get ammo for if I can get it at a really good price.  It will all come back around eventually or the poopoo will hit the fan one.  If option two then I'm not worried about buying guns for recreational purposes and any gun that I buy at this point is pretty much for recreational purposes. 

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Guest 6.8 AR

I don't mind to buy a gun that I can't get ammo for if I can get it at a really good price.  It will all come back around eventually or the poopoo will hit the fan one.  If option two then I'm not worried about buying guns for recreational purposes and any gun that I buy at this point is pretty much for recreational purposes. 

You can always fence with it, can't you? :D

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I don't mind to buy a gun that I can't get ammo for if I can get it at a really good price.  It will all come back around eventually or the poopoo will hit the fan one.  If option two then I'm not worried about buying guns for recreational purposes and any gun that I buy at this point is pretty much for recreational purposes. 


Ditto. I said I wasn't buying anything else til I sold all the guns I didn't shoot. Well..that certainly didn't last long.


I've picked up a couple of nice to very nice handguns I've always wanted to try recently.


And yes, ammo is a consideration, but I have a fair supply. Nothing like our Shelbyville friend, though I wish I had something even close to that.


Shooting the way I do, that is, infrequently: I have enough for my purposes for a while. But I'd love some more 9 and 22. 


But if I stay within the standard calibers I normally shoot; I'll pick up a good buy when available. And trade where possible.

Edited by hipower
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Meh, suits me. I'd like to see some prices fall. There's some guns I'd really like to be able to afford.
The ammo situation is only a problem for the lame ducks who didn't ferret away the things they should have; And/Or didn't learn to roll their own.
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Guest 6.8 AR

There are only one or two guns left on my wish list. I'll wait, or not worry about it.


Mac, I'd say the two things, guns and ammo, are working against each other.  I don't think it will let up, either.

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Not anyone on TGO. This place will always be a buyers market.

Very true. I've been much impressed with most everybody on here...that's why Ilike it here so much and rarely visit other sites unless for specific reasons. I was just speaking generally and especially those that bought on Gun Broker and such.
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Guest RedLights&Sirens
I have to agree that might be the case. I really want a Mossberg MVP and a .22 revolver but have bought neither for lack of ammo.

It seems ammo may be sitting a tad longer now too. I picked up two boxes of Winchester 5.56 at the Collierville Wal-Mart lastnight and they still had a bunch of 6.8 and 357 Sig. No clue when it was put on the shelf though, but it was just calling my name.
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I would really like to have a second Model 60.  But what is the point of even looking for one when I can't find ammo to shoot out of it.


The rolling your own thing is good for centerfire rounds but does nothing for .22's.


Around here I shoot the grandsons single shot .22 and my Ruger SAS anymore.  It conserves ammo and allows us to shoot a bit.  Can't be wasting ammo on him doing ammo dumps for an hour straight anymore.


if things don't get back to normal by next fall I will start looking to sell off what I use for hobby shooting and just keep a couple of pistols and the AK for tools.

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The rolling your own thing is good for centerfire rounds but does nothing for .22's.

Yeah I get what you're saying but I shoot 300 blackout and 308 Winchester for about the same as .22 now. It one of the main reasons I don't shoot or own rimfires. Edited by Caster
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