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Looking for links or info on TN gun laws

Guest hendo2a

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Guest hendo2a

I'm a new forum member from Michigan, and I will be visiting your beautiful state in May. I am looking for links or info that

describes open carry, mag limits, concealed carry, duty to retreat etc. in laymen's terms if possible. I have a MI CPL or CHL,

and I'm trying to make sure I don't run afoul of the law whilst I'm driving, hiking, dining etc. during my visit. I have been looking at the

prohibited carry forum, and just want to be as familiar as possible with the laws. I open carry occasionally , but not usually,

although I fully support anyone's choice to legally carry in any way they wish. If concealed I try not to print, but not at the expense of

my ability to retrieve my pistol if necessary. With so many changes happening it can be tough to make sure you're always legal, and

I want to see as much of TN as possible, except the inside of a cell.

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I'm a new forum member from Michigan, and I will be visiting your beautiful state in May. I am looking for links or info that

describes open carry, mag limits, concealed carry, duty to retreat etc. in laymen's terms if possible. I have a MI CPL or CHL,

and I'm trying to make sure I don't run afoul of the law whilst I'm driving, hiking, dining etc. during my visit. I have been looking at the

prohibited carry forum, and just want to be as familiar as possible with the laws. I open carry occasionally , but not usually,

although I fully support anyone's choice to legally carry in any way they wish. If concealed I try not to print, but not at the expense of

my ability to retrieve my pistol if necessary. With so many changes happening it can be tough to make sure you're always legal, and

I want to see as much of TN as possible, except the inside of a cell.

Open carry is legal but not widely practiced, if you choose to open carry you may have to answer some questions from noisy people who can't mind their own business and law enforcement as well.  No limits on mag capacity.  Concealed carry is fine of course.  No duty to retreat.  Restaurants and bars are only forbidden if they are properly posted, but if you are drinking do not carry.  Beware when you are hiking, some parks are okay and some are not, any National Parks are fine and state parks are okay though many are still posted from when it was not legal to carry in state parks, many local parks have ordinances that prohibit carry so research where you are going, you can probably find most of that information here on TGO, or ask specifically and someone can probably answer your specific question.  Not a whole lot you have to worry about in TN, about the only time I'm not carrying is when I have to go into a government building, as I avoid restaurants and other privately owned establishments that forbade carry.

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Hi hendo2a! Not sure what part of MI you are in or what part of TN you're coming to in May. You didn't specify if you were flying or driving. If you're flying I've got no info for you, I avoid it myself. If you are driving I would highly recommend looking at http://www.handgunlaw.us/ for information on the states in your route. For instance if I recall correctly, in Ohio, if you were stopped for a traffic violation, you must immediately inform the officer you are legally armed. In Kentucky, open carry is prohibited but unlike Ohio or TN, businesses posting signs of 'no firearms, etc.' do not bear the force of law. In Illinois, your firearms needs to be unloaded & cased, separate from ammunition or you need to be connected like the mob. I'd recommend avoiding Illinois but if you're in Grand Rapids heading to Memphis it would probably add a lot of time. 

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