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Playing with the idea of getting a Red comp tac holster and mag pouches for my G35 and spray paint my base plates red. Would this be a fashion do or don't. I know it's not "tactical" but I like kittens so I try not to kill them with "real Life".




Editted to add pics!!


This is the 1st test of painting Blade Tech stuff. I think it turned out pretty good and I got the holster drying from 1st shot as we speak. I did my base plates too so I hope it has a good cure before the 3rd.



Edited by Spiffy
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And here I was thinking you were calling me out. :rofl:

Paint on firearms is not my thing, but color matching might just help show what

goes with what.


Just the base plates because people say you can't buy the factory glock part in red.

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And there goes the neighborhood!  :rofl:

D.J. does have a Red Holster.

The Red holster does not help D.J. shoot better.

D.J. would have liked an International Orange holster. (possibly a hawaiian print holster)

The consensous is that the Orange would have helped with a rescue call after a poor stage......


The neighborhood was gone before D.J. arrived... :P 


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How's this for color?

I don't care much for purple, but that looks sweet.

At least Perkins can't say my idea of RED is ghey! LOL

Awwww c'mon I know I was giving you a hard time earlier, but if that's what floats your boat go for it.

I'd like to get a setup in Cardinal and Gray, Oak Ridge colors.
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D.J. does have a Red Holster.

The Red holster does not help D.J. shoot better.

D.J. would have liked an International Orange holster. (possibly a hawaiian print holster)

The consensous is that the Orange would have helped with a rescue call after a poor stage......


The neighborhood was gone before D.J. arrived... :P




That's what I was looking at but the International. I got the "pro" pack for my USP back before I knew anything.

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Valspar from Lowes. And no testing on wear and tear yet. I haven't got the final coats on it yet and I'm thinking I might hit it with some clear coat.  I know the base plates will get marred up but if I just hit it with the rattle can every 5 months it's ok.


I'll have more pics up when I get it all together.

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Valspar from Lowes. And no testing on wear and tear yet. I haven't got the final coats on it yet and I'm thinking I might hit it with some clear coat.  I know the base plates will get marred up but if I just hit it with the rattle can every 5 months it's ok.


I'll have more pics up when I get it all together.



Pics yet Brother?

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