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just saw the most disturbing video

Guest eyebedam

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Guest eyebedam

it was horrible. It can't even post the link. Just google 2 girls 1 cup. Dang near made me puke. Someone played It at a party.

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Guest Verbal Kint
Yep, that's been around for a while now. The most disgusting s*** I've ever seen.


If you haven't seen it, DON'T google it and watch it. That image will be forever burned into your brain.


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Guest Boomhower
I have refused to watch that since day one, and will continue to refuse until my days are up.

Some things are just better left unseen...


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I have refused to watch that since day one, and will continue to refuse until my days are up.

Some things are just better left unseen...

same here,. ive heard about it and what it is but i am not going to watch it. this time i wont let curiosity take over

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Guest EasilyObsessed

For real fun....put it on for your friends without telling them what it is, then take a video of their reaction.

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Guest bkelm18

Joe Rogan (of Fear Factor, the show where people usually do and eat all sorts of unimaginable things for money) couldn't finish watching it. Evidently, fear is a factor for him.

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Guest Valkyrie
Joe Rogan (of Fear Factor, the show where people usually do and eat all sorts of unimaginable things for money) couldn't finish watching it. Evidently, fear is a factor for him.


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Guest Valkyrie
:D Seriously, there is a video of him somewhere watching it and he turns away and doesn't finish watching it.

That is awesome! haha Poor Joe Rogan. :D

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For a while after the video first came out there were a bunch of web-cam vids posted of people's reaction to watching it on Youtube (they might still be there). Some of those were actually pretty funny.

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