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Straight Talk, Hope, and Change...A Positive Political Thread

Guest CJRogue

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Guest CJRogue

I like both these guys and I'm unabashedly optimistic that our country is headed in a better direction with inspiring leadership with either of them as our next POTUS. Neither is as pro-gun rights as I'd like them to be.

Can you post in here and say something genuinely positive about both?

edit: If not, plenty of other threads for you.

McCain is a genuine American hero, a decorated war veteran with a long and distinguished career of not following along ideological party lines. He's his own man and has proven that he will act in the best interest of the common good. At his own expense too...a rare thing today among politicians. The man has credibility with me and, as far as I can tell, it's credibility that transcends hawks, the right, the center, the left, and most other factions that usually make up a constituency.

Obama's nomination alone tells me that we've come a long way. Yes, because he's black. It's a big deal, folks. His speech-making is the stuff of legend and I find his message timely for my country. His PAY-GO philosophy is long overdue and I'm a fan of the idea of basic universal healthcare for all Americans. Obama connects with people. Poor people, rich people, Americans, apparently now Europeans too.

I'm really looking forward to the election-tally watch party because I'm going to celebrate either way.

Consider yourself now fully pumped with sunshine, baby!



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Guest Verbal Kint

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot :bat:

Guest jackdog

everyone needs to have an opinion

Guest Bronker

There's nothing inspiring about 'socialized ANYTHING.'

Trust me, I'm still in the dwindling majority of Americans who believe I can take better care of me and mine better than the government can. If they would just leave me the heck alone...

I appreciate the ecstatic way in which people have become so enamored with obama, but that fuzzy feeling doesn't make them right.

Any chance I can get my hands on some of what you're smokin'?:bat:

Have a most beautiful day!:P

Leave him be TDR, he ain't smoking nothing!

He might be mainlining a bit with a pure grain chaser but he ain't smoking!

Guest CJRogue

Heh, nope I'm really just not as negative about this election cycle as most.

Maybe I'm still basking in the afterglow of what I first thought the Heller ruling to mean before DC found a way to misunderstand it.


Ill be the first person to go either way on an election dependent on certain issues one or the other supports. However I in no way,shape,or form would ever vote nobama!

I like both these guys and I'm unabashedly optimistic that our country is headed in a better direction with inspiring leadership with either of them as our next POTUS. Neither is as pro-gun rights as I'd like them to be.

If either one could manage to move in a direction, it would be backwards.

Can you post in here and say something genuinely positive about both?

edit: If not, plenty of other threads for you.

McCain is a genuine American hero, a decorated war veteran with a long and distinguished career of not following along ideological party lines. He's his own man and has proven that he will act in the best interest of the common good. At his own expense too...a rare thing today among politicians. The man has credibility with me and, as far as I can tell, it's credibility that transcends hawks, the right, the center, the left, and most other factions that usually make up a constituency.

Yes, McCain (as with all Vietnam Vets, IMO) is a hero. His politics are what scares me. You don't know what he's gonna come up with next, i.e. McCain/ Fiengold, and the "Get Out of mexico Free" plan.

Obama's nomination alone tells me that we've come a long way. Yes, because he's black. It's a big deal, folks. His speech-making is the stuff of legend and I find his message timely for my country. His PAY-GO philosophy is long overdue and I'm a fan of the idea of basic universal healthcare for all Americans. Obama connects with people. Poor people, rich people, Americans, apparently now Europeans too.

Black, hmm..., He's half White too... BFD, what's that got to do with anything, really?

You've obviously not heard some of his speeches. Did you hear the one at Va. High? Every other few words were Umm, and, Uhh.... I have yet to hear a message form the man other than a bunch of garbage about "Hope & Change". I really HOPE the democrats & Republicans CHANGE candidates to someone who could do something.

He's not connecting me, and who REALLY gives a **** what europe, or the rest of the world thinks?? If it were that important, then why do they want to come here?

Now tell me, We've all experienced how ridiculous the gov. is about doing anything, Why on Earth would you want them to handle YOUR health care?????:)

I'm really looking forward to the election-tally watch party because I'm going to celebrate either way.

Consider yourself now fully pumped with sunshine, baby!



I admire your enthusiasm:up:, I think we all should be more involved.

That would be more productive for this Country.

BTW,Who ever pumped your butt full of sunshine put it in the wrong hole.;)


"Yes, because he's black. It's a big deal, folks."

He is "black" not black

"His speech-making is the stuff of legend and I find his message timely for my country."

You should see if you can find the unedited version of his press conference in Jordan. Uhh...ummm...uhhhh...umm....well,...ummmm

"Obama connects with people. Poor people, rich people, Americans, apparently now Europeans too."

He doesnt connect with me and who cares if he connects with Euorpeans.

Edit: My something nice.....uhhhhh.... oh, yeah he has a nice smile.

Guest Verbal Kint

BTW,Who ever pumped your butt full of sunshine put it in the wrong hole.;)

Quote of the day... :)


Did you hear the one at Va. High? Every other few words were Umm, and, Uhh....

He does that ever time he speaks!

It shows un-preparedness,and a lack of knowledge towards the subject.The pause is a way to think about what you will say before you say it.

The problem with his "umm's" is that it doesn't really work.I dont think any amount of "umm's" will keep him from saying things like "bitter"etc..

Or you could just say hes got the mental power of a 13 year old girl :)

Posted (edited)

You're kidding right? OBAMA is an idiot. I'm pretty sure that if he's elected, someone will kill him.

me? I'd applaud. that guy is a threat!

firstly, the idea of universal healthcare is great!!! if you don't have a job, enjoy welfare or don't mind giving at LEAST 55% of your paycheck to the government to pay for it.

for those of us who have worked hard and weighed every decision we've made, so as to put us into a position to be prosperous for the sake of our family, this idea is reprehensible and just pisses us off.

I don't owe anyone else one dang thing but if you notice folks like me, we tend to pay for things..for other folks. why? because we're used to shouldering the responsibility for others. we work hard, play hard and do what ever it takes to make our sure our families are fed...

if I get MY way I'm gonna make dang sure that I don't have to pay for the hooker down the street to get her needles from the local doctor..so that she can be assured that she won't get aid's or hepatitis from them.

I don't care if she does or not.

I don't care if the welfare breeders get what they need...they've already shown a propensity to use government programs that are there to help folks in a bad way, as a career choice.

that means they use MY Money and the money of everyone else to live on. wic? heh

what ever.

Obama deserves NOTHING because of his skin color. when it comes to my own ass, I don't give a crap what color the other guy is as long as he can do the job. to believe any other way is tatamount to posting a big "HI I'M AN IDIOT, SHOOT ME FOR THE SAKE OF MANKIND AND AMERICA" on his shirt

I'm NOT sanguine about the outcome of the election this year...why? because I've seen more than 2 presidents in my lifetime and I can remember when a couple of them were damned fine presidents and not only kept us safe but guided us through troubled times with elan and style.

they didn't pull the race card either.. I think he pulls it only because it's the only card he's got..

I'm sure someone will say "you're a racist!"..they'd be wrong. how about we vote for Condi Rice! that cut-throat chick wouldn't hesitate to do what was needed and damn the consequences. she's intelligent, well educated, conservative and oh yah...

SHE'S black! that will make the retards happy..the rest of it would make ME happy.

and women would vote for her too..because she's "a woman".


I know you wanted to express entheusiasm for this coming election...I got that. I just think it's misplaced and we're in deep doo doo for the next few years. I'd sure like it if I were wrong though.

Edited by towerclimber37
Guest Bronker

+ 1000000000000000000000000 to towerclimber.

You are an angry American! And that's what we need now. Very well played, and honest. And you have given the most pure and sensible seniment! And my seniments EXACTLY! Well done. Like I said in a previous post, the government can just leave me the heck alone. I can ...and do...take much better care of me and mine than they can.

You're kidding right? OBAMA is an idiot. I'm pretty sure that if he's elected, someone will kill him.

me? I'd applaud. that guy is a threat!

firstly, the idea of universal healthcare is great!!! if you don't have a job, enjoy welfare or don't mind giving at LEAST 55% of your paycheck to the government to pay for it.

for those of us who have worked hard and weighed every decision we've made, so as to put us into a position to be prosperous for the sake of our family, this idea is reprehensible and just pisses us off.

I don't owe anyone else one dang thing but if you notice folks like me, we tend to pay for things..for other folks. why? because we're used to shouldering the responsibility for others. we work hard, play hard and do what ever it takes to make our sure our families are fed...

if I get MY way I'm gonna make dang sure that I don't have to pay for the hooker down the street to get her needles from the local doctor..so that she can be assured that she won't get aid's or hepatitis from them.

I don't care if she does or not.

I don't care if the welfare breeders get what they need...they've already shown a propensity to use government programs that are there to help folks in a bad way, as a career choice.

that means they use MY Money and the money of everyone else to live on. wic? heh

what ever.

Obama deserves NOTHING because of his skin color. when it comes to my own ass, I don't give a crap what color the other guy is as long as he can do the job. to believe any other way is tatamount to posting a big "HI I'M AN IDIOT, SHOOT ME FOR THE SAKE OF MANKIND AND AMERICA" on his shirt

I'm NOT sanguine about the outcome of the election this year...why? because I've seen more than 2 presidents in my lifetime and I can remember when a couple of them were damned fine presidents and not only kept us safe but guided us through troubled times with elan and style.

they didn't pull the race card either.. I think he pulls it only because it's the only card he's got..

I'm sure someone will say "you're a racist!"..they'd be wrong. how about we vote for Condi Rice! that cut-throat chick wouldn't hesitate to do what was needed and damn the consequences. she's intelligent, well educated, conservative and oh yah...

SHE'S black! that will make the retards happy..the rest of it would make ME happy.

and women would vote for her too..because she's "a woman".


I know you wanted to express entheusiasm for this coming election...I got that. I just think it's misplaced and we're in deep doo doo for the next few years. I'd sure like it if I were wrong though.

I'd vote for her, Shoot I was hoping Mccain would choose her as his running mate, that way when he keels over in the first year we would have someone who knows what the heck is going on and the balls to fix it.

Guest TNDixieGirl
You're kidding right? OBAMA is an idiot. I'm pretty sure that if he's elected, someone will kill him.

me? I'd applaud. that guy is a threat!

firstly, the idea of universal healthcare is great!!! if you don't have a job, enjoy welfare or don't mind giving at LEAST 55% of your paycheck to the government to pay for it.

for those of us who have worked hard and weighed every decision we've made, so as to put us into a position to be prosperous for the sake of our family, this idea is reprehensible and just pisses us off.

I don't owe anyone else one dang thing but if you notice folks like me, we tend to pay for things..for other folks. why? because we're used to shouldering the responsibility for others. we work hard, play hard and do what ever it takes to make our sure our families are fed...

if I get MY way I'm gonna make dang sure that I don't have to pay for the hooker down the street to get her needles from the local doctor..so that she can be assured that she won't get aid's or hepatitis from them.

I don't care if she does or not.

I don't care if the welfare breeders get what they need...they've already shown a propensity to use government programs that are there to help folks in a bad way, as a career choice.

that means they use MY Money and the money of everyone else to live on. wic? heh

what ever.

Obama deserves NOTHING because of his skin color. when it comes to my own ass, I don't give a crap what color the other guy is as long as he can do the job. to believe any other way is tatamount to posting a big "HI I'M AN IDIOT, SHOOT ME FOR THE SAKE OF MANKIND AND AMERICA" on his shirt

I'm NOT sanguine about the outcome of the election this year...why? because I've seen more than 2 presidents in my lifetime and I can remember when a couple of them were damned fine presidents and not only kept us safe but guided us through troubled times with elan and style.

they didn't pull the race card either.. I think he pulls it only because it's the only card he's got..

I'm sure someone will say "you're a racist!"..they'd be wrong. how about we vote for Condi Rice! that cut-throat chick wouldn't hesitate to do what was needed and damn the consequences. she's intelligent, well educated, conservative and oh yah...

SHE'S black! that will make the retards happy..the rest of it would make ME happy.

and women would vote for her too..because she's "a woman".


I know you wanted to express entheusiasm for this coming election...I got that. I just think it's misplaced and we're in deep doo doo for the next few years. I'd sure like it if I were wrong though.


Guest nraforlife

Obama is as much white as he is black. Black father and white mother and raised by his white grandparents.

And WE ALREADY HAVE A SOCIALIZED MEDICAL SYSTEM OF SORTS HERE IN THE US, ITS CALLED THE VA SYSTEM. If the government cannot take care of our wounded heroes properly what makes you think it can take the care of your ass?

Guest Verbal Kint

Another +1 ... well said, Tower. :hat:

Guest CJRogue
And WE ALREADY HAVE A SOCIALIZED MEDICAL SYSTEM OF SORTS HERE IN THE US, ITS CALLED THE VA SYSTEM. If the government cannot take care of our wounded heroes properly what makes you think it can take the care of your ass?

I'm about as sophisticated a healthcare consumer as you'll find and I choose VA for several reasons. Unlike my insurance company, most HMO's, and private healthcare systems they have an incentive to keep my ass healthy cause I'm theirs for life. Their performance in preventive care, mental health, and primary care blow any of the private systems in my area away. Unless you're going to Vandy or U/Birmingham for surgery, if you have a choice, you should research the outcomes because for my money VA is a helluva lot better than my other options. I have several options with good insurance.

Guest gunslinger707
Posted (edited)
I'm about as sophisticated a healthcare consumer as you'll find and I choose VA for several reasons. Unlike my insurance company, most HMO's, and private healthcare systems they have an incentive to keep my ass healthy cause I'm theirs for life. Their performance in preventive care, mental health, and primary care blow any of the private systems in my area away. Unless you're going to Vandy or U/Birmingham for surgery, if you have a choice, you should research the outcomes because for my money VA is a helluva lot better than my other options. I have several options with good insurance.

CJ i tend to agree with you on the VA. Mountain Home has been my primary Med provider since 2003.I had to retire in 2005 because of macular degeneration I could no longer pass D.O.T physical in 2006 i was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer i was treated at VA had nothing but the best treatment from all perssonel involved.I currently have to use oxygen it's supplied through VA no charge to me. A better example of Gov.controlled Medicine would be Tenn Care IMO

Edited by gunslinger707

I agree with the OP. Either of the two choices before us is a vast improvement over the current situation. I would think both McCain and Obama would trample on the Constitution less than the current POTUS and his gang. I think both would move to restore some of our standing in the world. It would also be great to have a leader who can speak in full sentences and sound like they know what they are talking about. Neither choice rates as excellent when it comes to gun issues, but both rate better on virtually everything else. Voting single-issue is short-sighted and to not realize the need, the hunger, Americans have for change is to be more than short-sighted, it is to be blind.

We, as a nation, as part of the community of nations, as people who have inate civil liberties, will be better off with either McCain or Obama. What's happened to our Constitution over the last 6 years is nothing short of shocking and it must end.

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