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Senate rejects tougher background checks

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Guest RedLights&Sirens
This is great news! Unfortunatley this is only one battle, stay vigilant.

Why would voting against it allow them to bring it up again?
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"What appeared to be a likely victory for Obama was resoundingly defeated by the Senate as jittery Democrats facing tough re-elections next year joined nearly the entire Republican conference."


Imagine the carnage to the 2nd Ammendment if the liberals get full control of the house in 2014? 

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"What appeared to be a likely victory for Obama was resoundingly defeated by the Senate as jittery Democrats facing tough re-elections next year joined nearly the entire Republican conference."


Imagine the carnage to the 2nd Ammendment if the liberals get full control of the house in 2014? 


I tried, on this forum, to raise concern about an Obama second term in relation to gun control legislation (not to mention the Supreme Court) but there were still more than a few folks here who said they were not going to vote for Romney because he wasn't any better on gun control (he was the only candidate who had already voted for an AWB; totally ignoring Obama's record in Illinois) or Romney wasn't "this' or wasn't "that". I'm not saying that is why we wound up with Obama in a second term again but my point is that however weak Romney might have been on gun control issues I seriously doubt we would have seen a push from the White House for new gun control either such as we've seen since Sandy Hook.


All Obama needed was an excuse and Sandy Hook provided that in spades.


You are right, however..if liberals retain control of the Senate and get control of the House you can kiss whatever few liberties we have left "good-by"...we'll be wishing for the days when we only had to fight Obamacare.

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Pop Quiz!

“I can assure you one thing - we are going to get this eventually. If we don't get it today we are going to get it eventually,” Biden said

A) joe is a bully
B joe is a whinny baby
C) joe has an un-American, freedom-crushing agenda to push
D) all of the above Edited by Batman
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"What appeared to be a likely victory for Obama was resoundingly defeated by the Senate as jittery Democrats facing tough re-elections next year joined nearly the entire Republican conference."
Imagine the carnage to the 2nd Ammendment if the liberals get full control of the house in 2014?

We're in huge trouble if they get control again with O in office.
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Pop Quiz!

“I can assure you one thing - we are going to get this eventually. If we don't get it today we are going to get it eventually,” Biden said

A) joe is a bully
B joe is a whinny baby
C) joe has an un-American, freedom-crushing agenda to push
D) all of the above

D) :ugh:

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I tried, on this forum, to raise concern about an Obama second term in relation to gun control legislation (not to mention the Supreme Court) but there were still more than a few folks here who said they were not going to vote for Romney because he wasn't any better on gun control (he was the only candidate who had already voted for an AWB; totally ignoring Obama's record in Illinois) or Romney wasn't "this' or wasn't "that". I'm not saying that is why we wound up with Obama in a second term again but my point is that however weak Romney might have been on gun control issues I seriously doubt we would have seen a push from the White House for new gun control either such as we've seen since Sandy Hook.


All Obama needed was an excuse and Sandy Hook provided that in spades.


You are right, however..if liberals retain control of the Senate and get control of the House you can kiss whatever few liberties we have left "good-by"...we'll be wishing for the days when we only had to fight Obamacare.


I feel the same way.  I talked until I was blue in the face about the evils of an Obama 2nd term.  I even had friends and family that said they wouldn't vote for Romney, but wasn't voting for Obama either. I told them to vote Romney and regroup in 2016....nope. They wouldn't listen. I heard it all...."They can't take our guns.....Supreme courts done ruled in our favor..."  They are all crying now.....ANYONE other than Obama.....too late now though.

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Sadly, our RINO's voted with McCain.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

They voted with him for cloture few days ago, but I think they voted against today.

That might be the voting roster I saw, my bad.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
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Watching the potus response, and gosh he is squirming. Has said at least a dozen times that "90% of Americans support the bill" Tennessee must be fully populated with the 10% because I haven't met a handful of people that actually want anything.

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Oh lord, now he has just blamed this on all of the citizens because people only talked about wanting change and didn't actually do anything and that he "assumes" those were not empty words.


Teflon Don!

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This is great news! Unfortunatley this is only one battle, stay vigilant.

Why would voting against it allow them to bring it up again?


Really. This isn't over by a long shot. At least we won this battle.... I do not understand Senator McCain. I think his best friends must be democrats or he is on a power high. And he represents a big gun friendly state. Go figure.

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I tried, on this forum, to raise concern about an Obama second term in relation to gun control legislation (not to mention the Supreme Court) but there were still more than a few folks here who said they were not going to vote for Romney because he wasn't any better on gun control (he was the only candidate who had already voted for an AWB; totally ignoring Obama's record in Illinois) or Romney wasn't "this' or wasn't "that". I'm not saying that is why we wound up with Obama in a second term again but my point is that however weak Romney might have been on gun control issues I seriously doubt we would have seen a push from the White House for new gun control either such as we've seen since Sandy Hook.


All Obama needed was an excuse and Sandy Hook provided that in spades.


You are right, however..if liberals retain control of the Senate and get control of the House you can kiss whatever few liberties we have left "good-by"...we'll be wishing for the days when we only had to fight Obamacare.


None of that really matters.  Romney could have gotten every single vote from the TGO community, and he still would have lost.  Tennesse was never in play, so it was safe to vote for what you believe.


As far as statists (I refuse to use the word liberal because I do not consider it to be an accurate description) regaining control of everything, yes, we would lose our liberties at a faster pace.  However, I would argue, as I did on another thread, is that some Republicans are pushing for this crap too.  Would Romney have pushed for stronger gun control after Newtown?  There is no way to answer that question;  it is pure speculation.  I would point out that it was Toomey (R) along with Manchin was pushing for expanded background checks.  McCain, Flake, Graham, and Rubio (all Republicans) are the ones pushing this immigration crap.  The Republican controlled Congress won't do anything of real substance regarding Obamacare, and in fact, they are pushing to further fund one of its provisions.


If we keep supporting self-proclaimed conservatives out of fear of the other guy, we will never resolve the situation.  We will continue to lose our freedoms, albeit more slowly.  As long as we keep voting for them, the establishment is going to continue pushing weak (RINO) candidates in their delusion of appealing to a broader base.


I think DeMint had it right when he stated said that he would rather serve in the minority in a small, ideologically conservative Senate Republican caucus than in the majority with a large group of centrist Republicans.  The second part of his statement dealt with Rubio, which I disagree with.

I believe the only reason this didn't pass was some senators fear of not being reelected next year.  If so many weren't up for reelection, it more than likely would have passed.  I will also point out that a lot of those weak-a$$ politicians are going to use this issue next year to incite fear in the voters.  If you don't vote for me, the other guy is going to do this or that.  Until Republicans, outside of Paul, Cruz, Lee, and a few others, start showing me something, I am pretty much done with them. 

Edited by mav
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None of that really matters. Romney could have gotten every single vote from the TGO community, and he still would have lost. Tennesse was never in play, so it was safe to vote for what you believe.

As far as statists (I refuse to use the word liberal because I do not consider it to be an accurate description) regaining control of everything, yes, we would lose our liberties at a faster pace. However, I would argue, as I did on another thread, is that some Republicans are pushing for this crap too. Would Romney have pushed for stronger gun control after Newtown? There is no way to answer that question; it is pure speculation. I would point out that it was Toomey (R) along with Manchin was pushing for expanded background checks. McCain, Flake, Graham, and Rubio (all Republicans) are the ones pushing this immigration crap. The Republican controlled Congress won't do anything of real substance regarding Obamacare, and in fact, they are pushing to further fund one of its provisions.

If we keep supporting self-proclaimed conservatives out of fear of the other guy, we will never resolve the situation. We will continue to lose our freedoms, albeit more slowly. As long as we keep voting for them, the establishment is going to continue pushing weak (RINO) candidates in their delusion of appealing to a broader base. While it was certainly not the only problem for Romney, I do think that attitude had a good bit to do with his ultimate defeat in the November elections.

I think DeMint had it right when he stated said that he would rather serve in the minority in a small, ideologically conservative Senate Republican caucus than in the majority with a large group of centrist Republicans. The second part of his statement dealt with Rubio, which I disagree with.

I believe the only reason this didn't pass was some senators fear of not being reelected next year. If so many weren't up for reelection, it more than likely would have passed. I will also point out that a lot of those weak-a$$ politicians are going to use this issue next year to incite fear in the voters. If you don't vote for me, the other guy is going to do this or that. Until Republicans, outside of Paul, Cruz, Lee, and a few others, start showing me something, I am pretty much done with them.

Oh please, you can't possibly believe that I was referring only to TGO members being responsible for Romney's defeat!

I was referring to the self fulfilling prophecy and short sightedness of casting a vote for somebody other than Romney or not at all. That attitude was in full force among many on TGO but I certainly wasn't insinuating that it was only TGO members that caused Romney to lose the election; just the attitude.

Regardless of the terminology you want to use and agreeing that what Romney would have done is conjecture at this point, I would submit that we had far more evidence of Obama's agenda then any that would indicate Romney would have similar reactions when it comes to gun control.

The fat lady is about to sing - she is warming up in the wings - what will tell the tale will be the outcome of the 2014 midterm elections. We can argue about how this Republican or that Republican is not good enough and lose what is left of our liberties and our country while we are still arguing about the unpopular choices we have. Edited by RobertNashville
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Pop Quiz!

“I can assure you one thing - we are going to get this eventually. If we don't get it today we are going to get it eventually,” Biden said

A) joe is a bully
B joe is a whinny baby
C) joe has an un-American, freedom-crushing agenda to push
D) all of the above


E) he may be right in the long run


In the meanwhile, I'm enjoying MSNBC so far tonight. Chris Matthews looks sooo crestfallen.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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