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okay experts looking for your 2 cents


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as most of you know last 31 Aug i broke my neck. while i was in rehab the wife got me this (just the rifle) for something to keep me looking forward to something. the scope is a vortex pst with meduim rings

now my issue is i can not bend over like u and i can not get my eye close enough for the scope. it is already on the last slot and the front ring against the bell. at this time i do not wish to have cut 2" off the stock. i have ordered a riser and low rings. i plan to mount the riser as far back as i can on the rail with low rings. i do not know if it will be enough or if my jerry rigged cheek piece will go much higher and still be solid.



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Another option for your situation might be one of the smart phone scope adapters that allow you to use your phone as a view screen for your rifle's scope.  This may allow you to still fire it from a much more comfortable position.

Ahhh, very good idea.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
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nope and nope, smart adapter? i guess it mounts to the scope? the problem there is i am not that smart, on the offset mount i think of the old model94. i have looked around and did not notice them but was not looking. i will do some more looking.

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that all i have done so far 4 shots in the clover with 60 grain u-max. i am still working on the changes to my shooting table so can be used in my wheel chair.

i got some 68 grain horandy's and black hills, 62 grain ppu and lots of different 75's to try soon i hope.

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