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NRA tactics erode post-Newtown support for gun control measures

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I saw this article in the Washington Post, a strong supporter of anything anti-gun. The tone of the article suggests disappointment with the fact the NRA is winning and their side is losing. And it appears calling/e-mailing your reps is working. Good thing the other side can't figure that out.


“I was sabotaged by the NRA,” said state Rep. Michael Paymar, a St. Paul Democrat who authored the gun-control package he thought had a good shot at passing the liberal state House and Senate.

The Minnesota measures had been supported by the White House, with President Obama paying a visit in January and Vice President Biden calling legislators in March.

But their efforts were not enough to counteract gun rights advocates. NRA alerts warned that the background checks proposal would result in increased costs and could lead to the establishment of a government gun registry, while achieving no provable reduction in the crime.

Republican state Rep. Tony Cornish said he received 2,897 e-mails about the bills while they were being considered last month. “Only five were in favor,” he said. Edited by diablo982
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The bottom line is the media and various politicians or political hacks are going to blame the NRA or whoever else for the loss on the gun control battle.  While the NRA most certainly did its part, the MSM and politicians cannot and will never admit the truth, which is that the people do not support such legislation.  Doing so would destroy their entire narrative.  This can be said about any piece of unpopular legislation.

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Incredible how the mass media can only blame the NRA, as if there's not a single citizen out there NOT in support of gun control. It's always just the NRA / gun lobby that is defeating gun control efforts. They can't seem to admit that citizens by the thousands are speaking out, testifying, and writing their representatives in opposition to more gun control legislation.
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I imagine the NRA will be glad to accept the blame. It'd be more like the NRA gets credit for winning a battle, to me.

It'll help people fell better when they get their NRA coffee mug made in china lol

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
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