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I pulled 27 of them off one of our outside dogs last week. And had several on me after spending a day in the woods last weekend. They are out in full force this year, and will probably be horrible before summers out.

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I've heard sulfer (flowers of sulfer) in shoes and powdered on your pants legs works.  Also heard there are some pretty crazy warnings that come along with it.  Permythum I believe works the best, but it's also a carcinogen.  Shouldn't be put directly on the skin and only on clothes.  Let fully dry prior to wearing :)

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I F'n hate ticks! I bow hunted all last year and never had a single one on me. I drenched my clothes and boots in Permethrin. I can not tell you how well it works. I also eat a lot of garlic so that may have something to do with it also but I do recommend using permethrin all season on your clothes. 

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I take ticks as seriously as I can.  I purchased Permethrin concentrate from Amazon and dilute it myself.  I spray ever piece of clothing I have from top to bottom with it.  It usually lasts a couple outings in the woods.  Then I spray my skin with bug spray that includes a high percentage of deet. I use Sawyers Maxi-Deet.  Between those two things and wearing the proper clothing, I dont hardly ever get any ticks.  


If I find a tick on me.  I immediately bathe in Flea and Tick Shampoo for dogs.  It kills them DEAD and gives me peace of mind.  

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Slappy, your drive to Hernando co-op may be worth your while. You may find things cheaper than at amazon. Tri-county farm services is north of walmart on the east side of 55. Desoto county co-op by the railroad tracks on the west side of 55. Checkout Desoto Defense across from the co-op while you're there.


Thanks for the info! Didnt know about that. I will check them out for sure.  I need to buy some seed soon so maybe they will be good. 

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I like to tell my personal story as much as I can in hopes that others will learn from my issue.  I've developed an allergy to red meat, including, beef, pork, lamb, deer, and who knows what else.  It all comes from a tick bite i got a few years ago.  It's called alpha gal allergy.  So, if you like to eat meat, avoid tick bites the best you can.



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