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Seat belts saved us **Pics added**

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I know this has been argued over before, but today seat belts saved me and my wife from serious injury.

We were stopped in construction and a lady rear ended us without stopping. She was traveling about 70mph and plowed into us. I saw her coming and was able to release the brake and turn the wheel in an attempt to move out of the way but I wasn't able to react in time.

My wife broke her nose and got a few stitches but otherwise we are fine. Thank God for that.

The lady that hit us died on the way to the hospital. Please pray for her family.

If anyone ever wonders the Land Rover LR4 is one tough bitch.







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Broken Seat




Offending vehicle








Edited by Lumber_Jack
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You guys were lucky and blessed..... I almost did the same thing on the interstate a few months ago -- i was talking on the phone and there was a car stopped in the slow lane -- i missed it by no more than 10 feet at about 75 miles an hour -- i stopped using my phone in the car after that one.  I thought i was one of the ones that could talk and drive and it not affect my driving -- we are all wrong....



Im glad you all are ok....

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Good gravy man, 70mph? Was this on the interstate?


I had an elderly woman T-bone my Ranger in the driver side door and it was enough to spin me 180 degrees, cave in the side, throw off the tailgate and blow both right tires off the wheels.. and she was probably only doing about 30mph. I felt like I had gone into orbit, I can't imagine the impact of 70mph....


Get ready to be stiff this evening. You're going to ache all over.


It's terrible what happened to the other driver. I'm glad to hear that you're both OK.

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Yeah we were on the interstate. We were stopped in construction traffic at the I-40 & I-26 intersection in Asheville. My in-laws traded their Land Rover to us so we could have a safe care to drive. Thank God it's built like a freakin tank.


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Man, you and your wife are fortunate. Glad you're both relatively unharmed. I try to use Siri on my iPhone or either pull over or wait. Read last week that adults text while driving more than teenagers.

Prayers for the deceased lady.
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The officers say their were signs she was using her phone, but nothing definitive.


 Glad you are ok. Sorry about the wife's nose. You''ll probably suffer for that. :pleased:


I was a road warrior for 14 years and got the crap scared out of me more times than I care to think about. Once while using the cell, I blew right thru a red light.


Thankfully God was with me and the car I just missed.


I'm still shaking thinking about it. Driving a 5 ton box truck and just missed a Taurus sedan. I stil fail sometimes, but I try not to use the phone while driving.

Edited by hipower
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It's amazing how well our car held up considering how hard she hit us. The responding officer said after examining the scene and the cars in the impound lot, the car that hit us went up under our car before coming to a stop. We are very fortunate.
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Releasing the brake and turning was a very smart reaction.  That certainly minimized the damage to your vehicle.  The height difference between the front of the car and rear of the SUV also helped you.  Whether you remember it or not, the rear tires were probably airborne for a bit.  The damage to the cars looks more like a 30-40 mph hit, but I'm no expert. 


And yes, you're going to be very sore tomorrow.  If things start hurting more than just some soreness, get checked out sooner rather than later. 

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Releasing the brake and turning was a very smart reaction. That certainly minimized the damage to your vehicle. The height difference between the front of the car and rear of the SUV also helped you. Whether you remember it or not, the rear tires were probably airborne for a bit. The damage to the cars looks more like a 30-40 mph hit, but I'm no expert.

And yes, you're going to be very sore tomorrow. If things start hurting more than just some soreness, get checked out sooner rather than later.

Speed was just what was told to me by the guy traveling in the lane beside her. He said they were going 65-70, may have been 50, I don't know. All I know is it was like being plowed by a bus. I've never experienced and impact like that before.
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Am I seeing that right? The impact didn't even break the back glass?


Seems it's usually the one who causes the accident are the ones to walk away and the innocent drivers are the ones to die! Glad you guys prooved that not to be the case this time!

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Am I seeing that right? The impact didn't even break the back glass?

Seems it's usually the one who causes the accident are the ones to walk away and the innocent drivers are the ones to die! Glad you guys prooved that not to be the case this time!

Yeah, it didn't break any glass. I was really shocked that it did not break the rear glass.

The whole SUV is wrinkled though. The doors are hard to open on the driver side.
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