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IRS knowingly sends Billions in Fraudulent Refunds to Illegal Immigrants

Guest AmericanWorkMule

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Wait, you mean those able bodied EBT card holders with 4-5 kids living it up are not the people that won lotteries and aren't just collecting their winnings over a life time?

Edited by vontar
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I think I might rent me a place in Frayser or Orange Mound and trade my Stratus in for a brand new Challenger, have four or five kids and then maybe I can finally live comfortably.

Let us know how it works out. I believe the long term luxury living to be a myth. Short term, during tax season? Yeah,maybe.
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Guest MilitiaMan

It works very well for far too many in this country. To even think that those who are milking the systems don't have very good, profitable lives..well you should look a little closer.


I know it's a small sample size but I can personally speak for one family that my wife and I know in our immediate community. We met them while we were volunteering at our local food bank. They turned out to be real scum and we severed ties to them.


This is what we learned while we knew them.


The husband does not work and collects disability because he claims he has dyslexia, among numerous other unprovable problems such as panic disorder, anxiety etc. Yet, when you meet him and spend more than 5 seconds around him you come to see that he can read just fine. He also admitted that there was nothing wrong with him and even went into detail on how it was the best 3 years of his life filing for disability.


The wife does not work. She just recently pushed out child number 4. She collects diability after having claimed to have been sexually assaulted her whole life by her brother. In one conversation with my wife she admitted that it wasn't true and told us how easy it is to convince a counselor and get on disability.


Financially? This is what my wife and I know to be fact (having come from the horses mouth). 1. They receive $1000 -ish per month in food stamps, which they buy food and return to receive cash from Walmart. 2. He sells his anxiety meds (xanax). 3. She sells her anxiety meds (xanax). 4. They receive over $500 per month from the program Families First.


Let me just say that I have never seen a family that doesn't work one single minute be able to own 4 horses, several goats, a handful of dogs, 3 four wheelers, one of the most luxurious Koi ponds I have ever seen, every game system known to man, more guns than most of us have and a very nice above ground pool all on approx. 10 acres of land that they've purchased in the last few years. It was not handed down from family, we asked. And that's just a partial list of things I know they have that they bragged about. I'm sure there is far more.



Based on common sense telling me that they are only one of millions of families that live like this, I would say that lying, cheating and milking the government can be a very glamorous lifestyle.


As for me and my wife, we prefer to work for every red cent we get. It just chaps my *ss to work my tail off and see people that do absolutely nothing have it easier and better than we do.


And yes, they aslo got back several thousand dollars this tax season. I'm not sure myself just how it works or why they do this, but he claims their two boys and she claims the daughter. The baby was born afterwards and will be claimed next year. They rambled one once that they do it that way to get around the system. I'm not a loser crook, so I really don't know what they are accomplishing by claiming seperately.



Let us know how it works out. I believe the long term luxury living to be a myth. Short term, during tax season? Yeah,maybe.

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