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emergency blankets?

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I have several of the cheap mylar ones from walmart. I used one once, it does work but it is very noisey.


This.  They'll keep you warm(er), but unless you're type that can sleep through a hurricane you won't be able to sleep with one.  And you'll never get it back in that little pouch. 


I also have the cheap plastic poncho.... basically same as above.

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The AMK blankets are the best on the market, hands down.  It's definitely AMK vs. everyone else.


Emergency blankets are all pretty much single use items, but the AMKs tend to stand up a lot better to extended use.

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Yup, I have one of the Stearns PVC rain suits, as well as various assorted poncho types & assorted emergency blankets.

When I redid my packs this last time, I went soley with the thick, long Neese PVC ponchos simply because they were a bit more versitle.
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Guest ochretoe

Get a full size  micro fiber blanket and put it in one of those vacuum bags.  Put it on the vacuum and it flattens down to nothing.  Really, less than 1/2 inch. Then put it in the bottom of your BOB and you are good to go.  Supper thin and almost no weight.

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