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This will get your blood boiling

Il Duce

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That is awful, words can not accurately describe the rage i would have experienced. There is nothing that can be done to him that would make me feel as if justice was served, except maybe a life time of being tied up and tortured every single day for the rest of his life. To look a baby in the face and pull the trigger is the lowest form of life on this earth. Rapists next.<br /><br />I hope prison justice will be served, im sure it will cause hell even the sickest the serial killers and murderers dont take kindly to child murderers.
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It's stuff like this that makes me want to live out in the wilderness, as far away from other people as possible.

I pray that the mom is able to come to grips with her loss & doesn't commit suicide or spend the rest of her life drugged up or in a deep depression or something like that, I am not sure how well I would be able to deal with that sort of traumatic event.

*sigh* wtf is wrong with people these days?
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Guest RedLights&Sirens

*sigh* wtf is wrong with people these days?

I'm willing to guess that people have not changed. Our justice and mental health systems have decayed. Child molesters, rapists and murders can get out of jail and state hospitals are almost non-existant. But why have state hospitals anymore? Why not just make the whole country one big hospital? Everyone has things wrong with them and there is a pill for everything now for example a child with normal energy levels yesterday is ADHD today. People are so screwed up because the ones who need help are slipping through the cracks while the ones who dont need help are medicated.
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very bad incident,of course the media didn't embrace this because no one fought back.My condolences to the mom but im wondering why the shooter is still alive.....interestingly FLETC in glynco isnt far from brunswick,not sure about the initiation though....

Edited by Dustbuster
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They arrested the suspect.  His lawyer says not guity.  (Public defender - this kid is toast.)  The sister says the brother has a "good heart".
What the article mentioned but did not go into detail with:
The suspect was kicked out of school.  Went to this alternative "at risk" learning program:  He got into some serious trouble in a regular school and then ended up in a problem child school and left that program.
Hmmmm.  It does not take a genius to see where this is leading.
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