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This will get your blood boiling

Il Duce

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“We’re just very sorry about what happened and very aghast that something could happen in our little neighborhood,” Anderson said. “It’s a quiet, safe little neighborhood.”


Seems I've heard that sentiment before.


Jeez, and she had another son killed in NJ. Good thing she came down South where it's safe and nobody needs to carry a gun. Except the perps.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Yep. Is he too young to become a prison bride? He needs to become Big Tyrone's bitch ASAP.


No way, an eye for an eye.


What I want to know is where Messy Jackson and Al Charlatan are to help this poor woman out that is suffering greatly because of a hate crime.

Edited by Sam1
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you will not see much more on this. the blaze will cover it, other will not.  the low information voter news channels does not show anything concerning back on white crime.  showing black on white crime or black on black crime does not fit into their plans of tearing down this country.  we made people like this.  we turned jails into country clubs with three hots and a cot, free medical, tv/radio, and no work required.  when we stopped the chain gang we started on a long road of crap.  we also let a group of people get away with everything.  they do not have to pay for anything.  section 8 or free houses, food stamps, ssi, free phones, etc.....  then add the fps games and the music that is on the radio.  with all of this we have turned out a group of people that do not have the morals that most of us have and live by.  i can go on and on, but all know what is going on.  

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you will not see much more on this. the blaze will cover it, other will not.  


I actually found out about this story from a link my wife sent me on Yahoo News.  I saw it second here and third on The Drudge.  This is actually pretty mainstream, although will not go much further since the two animals are black.  Had the baby been black and the animals been white (or white-hispanic) then that town would be turned into a circus and we'd be hearing about this every day for a month.... oh, and folks would be calling it a hate crime rather than just two animals that need to be put down.


EDIT: Looks like this is top news on Yahoo now, just under China's increased pressure on NK.  So it's pretty mainstream.

Edited by TMF
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Jeez, and she had another son killed in NJ.

Thing was if I understood the article correctly, her son which was armed with a knife, attacked another boy, the victim got the knife away and protected himself. Her son was killed in the process. The victim was not charged.
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you will not see much more on this. the blaze will cover it, other will not.  the low information voter news channels does not show anything concerning back on white crime.  showing black on white crime or black on black crime does not fit into their plans of tearing down this country.  we made people like this.  we turned jails into country clubs with three hots and a cot, free medical, tv/radio, and no work required.  when we stopped the chain gang we started on a long road of crap.  we also let a group of people get away with everything.  they do not have to pay for anything.  section 8 or free houses, food stamps, ssi, free phones, etc.....  then add the fps games and the music that is on the radio.  with all of this we have turned out a group of people that do not have the morals that most of us have and live by.  i can go on and on, but all know what is going on.  


I really can't think of a decent way to say what I want, so I'll let frankmako's comment stand for me.


I truly believe one of the absolute worst things to happen in this country was when the crybabies got hold of the prison and then the justice systems in whole. 


Prison is not a dererant for anyone these days. The judicial system is one short step away from falling completely apart.


Senetnces for crimes are absurd, but we can give permanent black marks on school children for drawing a gun. We expell them for saying "Bang" or having, gasp... a pair of nail clippers in a backpack. We encourage the littlest children to run to the teacher and turn in one who says daddy might have an evil gun at home.


Hmmm, maybe I do have something to say...


I related this story several years ago when I first joined, but I'll give you a short version here.


I worked for a small company in Nashville in the 80's, where I did several different things, but one was to handle outbound shipping with local freight lines. Soon after I started, one of the company manager's stepsons was arrested for involment in an armed robbery of a convience market. He was convicted and along with two others sentenced to three years.


Shortly afterwards, the manager started sending care packages to him. At first, just a few items like a magazine, book, couple packs of cigs, etc. Then the packages I sent out became larger and larger, including civie clothing(seems he didn't have to wear prison issue and hurt his feelings), cartons of cigs, porno mags by the dozen, boxed games, then, I swear, a 19 inch portable Color TV!


Soon afterward a Nintendo Game system, and a cassette tape deck so he could play and have music at night. 


As God as my witness, when the young man was released; it took the open bed of a pickup to bring all his stuff out.


Ad to add further insult, our tax money paid for him to be "educated" while there. He attended classes to become a welder at our expense.


No wonder prison works so well.

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Thing was if I understood the article correctly, her son which was armed with a knife, attacked another boy, the victim got the knife away and protected himself. Her son was killed in the process. The victim was not charged.


Yeah, I know. Was mainly commenting on the odds of having two children killed by homicide in two different states.


- OS

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You were right, my blood is boiling after reading this story. But....seeing this "I'm a bad a$$ motha fu@%& and I don't care about that woman or her baby!' look on his face, makes me want to rip out his jugular and lay him in a baby stroller and wait... He's no where near the only one with this attitude as mentioned before about prison not being a deterrent.
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I have a real sense of closure for the mother. Tie the shooter up to a chair and let her walk around him and repeatedly shoot him. She can start at the feet and choose targets of opportunity. I will let her use my gun and have spare mag available if he doesn't bleed out. <br /><br /><br />JTM<br />Sent from my sending thing
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Guest RedLights&Sirens

... if he doesn't bleed out...

Use tournequits. It wont nessecarilly stop the bleeding but slow it enough to prolong death. Stop shooting to treat for shock accordingly and proceed.
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I have a real sense of closure for the mother. Tie the shooter up to a chair and let her walk around him and repeatedly shoot him. She can start at the feet and choose targets of opportunity. I will let her use my gun and have spare mag available if he doesn't bleed out.

Sent from my sending thing

Hmmm, my method would be wrapping about 30 ft of time fuse around him starting at his legs then ending at a blasting cap shoved up his pee hole. Can't really compete with that kinda physical and psychological torture. The end result would be watching him bleed out very slowly from where his wiener used to be.
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