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New member from Hendersonville

Guest xoomie

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Guest xoomie

Just recently starting getting into guns and shooting. It's addicting. My wife cringes everytime I come home with a box. "Another one?" she says. After getting some more trigger time in this year, am looking into getting into IDPA matches somewhere. Joined here to be able to find some groups that put these together and other general information. Looking forward to picking your brains. :)

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Great to have you aboard.

Glad to hear you want to get into IDPA. There are several clubs around the area.

Gallatin Gun Club shoots on the second Saturday every month.

My club, Music City shoots on the first, and third Saturdays and forth Sundays.

Green River in Bowling Green shoots forth and fifth Saturdays.

All are very welcoming to new shooters. Check out the competition section of the board for announcements.

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Guest xoomie

Great to have you aboard.
Glad to hear you want to get into IDPA. There are several clubs around the area.
Gallatin Gun Club shoots on the second Saturday every month.
My club, Music City shoots on the first, and third Saturdays and forth Sundays.
Green River in Bowling Green shoots forth and fifth Saturdays.
All are very welcoming to new shooters. Check out the competition section of the board for announcements.

Thanks for the info on area clubs. I wish there was one during the week since I'm in retail but I understand that most people are going to be more available on weekends. Every once in a while my masters give me off a weekend and I'll try to make it down once the rest of my gear comes in.
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Guest xoomie

Welcome to TGO

Thanks. Finally was able to register. Completing the captcha on phone the other day was not going well. Finally made it down for some laptop time.
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Guest xoomie

I forgot about Nashville Armory. Second and forth Tuesday nights. IDPA.


Ah nice, that will be a lot easier to get to for me at first. Thanks for the info.

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Guest xoomie

Welcome to TGO. My folks lived on Indian Lake Road for many years. 


Advice. Buy a large gun safe and tell the wife you need to fill it with guns in order to recoup your investment.


Solid advice. Need to get the backup present just in case she figures me out. Is it also bad that good backup presents I can think of is also a gun for her? Lol

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