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GA guy visting...few questions

Guest DrewDennis

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Guest DrewDennis

Hi Guys and Gals, I will be visiting the Brentwood/Nashville area next week. I have a permit to carry in GA and have read the TN laws. However, I'd like to get any helpful information you could share to make my carrying in TN as uneventful as it is here in GA.


Thanks in advance!

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I carry in GA often and find the laws to be somewhat similar.  When I'm in another state I always look over their laws but it is impossible to know every facet of every law of every state.  When carrying "abroad" I keep it concealed regardless of whether or not open carry is allowed.  I also make sure that I'm not printing, which I could usually care less about on my home turf.  Basically don't let anyone know you are carrying and you shouldn't have any problems.   

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We need to sticky the differences between our bordering states and keep it current.   The web has the info but it also has 10 year old stuff that is wrong and incomplete info and so on if you do not read each law from the govt sites which is tedious due to the wording.  I know law school keeps them busy but they really need a course in english.

Edited by Jonnin
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Guest DrewDennis

My biggest area of confusion is this...I have read (its on the interweb so its true right?) that even with a permit, its ILLEGAL to carry a pistol in TN, and that the permit is just admissible evidence if charged??  WTH is that all about? IF that's the case, why even have a permit process?  Thats like leaving a box of cookies on the table, telling your kids they have permission to eat them, but if they do they're grounded....  :screwy:  :screwy:

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My biggest area of confusion is this...I have read (its on the interweb so its true right?) that even with a permit, its ILLEGAL to carry a pistol in TN, and that the permit is just admissible evidence if charged??  WTH is that all about? IF that's the case, why even have a permit process?  Thats like leaving a box of cookies on the table, telling your kids they have permission to eat them, but if they do they're grounded....  :screwy:  :screwy:


That's mostly true.  It is illegal to carry a handgun.  A HCP is termed a defense to that statue.  You didn't think it would be simple, clear, and easily understood, did you?


What it means is the cops can stop anyone carrying a handgun.  If you have a HCP, they tell you to have a nice day.  If not, they tell you to have a seat in the back of this car. 

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Signage carries the "weight of law" in TN.   The law is specific about the wording (or a Gun Buster sign) but nobody has ever tested incorrect wording in court.   Most think if it implies no guns then go somewhere else or leave your gun elsewhere.no guns".

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Guest dogleg

That's mostly true.  It is illegal to carry a handgun.  A HCP is termed a defense to that statue.  You didn't think it would be simple, clear, and easily understood, did you?


What it means is the cops can stop anyone carrying a handgun.  If you have a HCP, they tell you to have a nice day.  If not, they tell you to have a seat in the back of this car. 


I'm from GA too. Thx for the info.

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