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Gun detectors? or just metal detectors maybe?


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There are types of "ground penetrating" radar/sonar imaging systems that can pretty much see through just about anything/everything.

Believe it or not but they have even installed radar/sonar systems on domestic drones, that can "see" through a persons clothing, ID a concealed handgun on that person, determine if that person is LEO or not (I suppose if it detects/ID's a metal badge? The article didn't say how it determines LEO or not but this is my guess) anyway if not LEO then the drone automatically taps into that non-LEO person's cellphone & then continues to track them using the phone's gps as well as it's own onboard systems..

#### you not, that was discovered through freedom of information act, was just on Drudge Report last week I think, frightning stuff, especially considering the potential for tyranny of using such technology.

Do you have a link to this article?



EDIT:  Nevermind found it! 


Edited by 10-Ring
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You said he had a bunch of ammo. Doesn't matter how high he stores it. The dog will indicate that it's there, and if it is the good kind of dog that indicates source, they won't need to search around; they will know where it is.

All moot anyway, since all the paranoid looneys out there don't seem to recognize the logistical impossibility of searching everyone's home in the US suspected of having firearms at one time or another.



its in air tight ammo boxes..........wrapped up in insulation as well -- but your probabaly right

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That's why you line you walls with tin foil... it's not just for hats! Hey, that should be Reynolds new slogan.


if only it were that easy.   Sensors are very good, but thankfully very expensive.  Unless we go north korea on our population and spend 98% of our "budget" on military grade goodies, it is intractable to scan all of the USA before having to start over due to the decades long process.  A single home, yes that can be done easily. 

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No K9 will be able to get to this -- you have to have a ladder to get to it and woul dhave to know exactly where it is to get even close.  Imagine a 25 foot ceiling, that one of the walls was "compromised" the goods stuck in the wall about 20 feet up then re-drywalled and painted.  No attic on the backside of the wall to get near where these items are.  Two ways to get to them, climb a ladder in the house and beat the wall in or climb a ladder outside the house and start sawzalling.  Would need to put a k9 on a scaffle to locate them, but then again nothing surprises me.

What is the point of doing this? If he doesn't need them at a time when someone has come to his house to confiscate them, he'll likely never need them. :squint:

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What is the point of doing this? If he doesn't need them at a time when someone has come to his house to confiscate them, he'll likely never need them. :squint:


I can think of many reasons....the most obvious is they come take his other guns because of whatever disaster happens that the government can "legally" come get.  He doesnt fight because he has very young kids, and no matter what I wouldnt resist them with my 1 year old in the house, nor would he.  Now they are gone and chaos hits.  He can still protect his family and live to fight another day when his surroundings turn into something similiar to downtown Detroit. 



Do you really think once they disarm us they are going to stick around and protect us from unrest?........ask people in New Orleans how that worked out for them. 



I will not fight for my right to the second ad if my daughter is in the house....Im sorry but I will not put her life in danger. I cant protect her if im dead or in jail or if she was hurt in the process.



With that said they come and take guns...... but you have a secret stash they do not take......when things turn into Revolution, or The Walking Dead long after they are gone....we still have a chance.

Edited by Krull
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