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Attempted mass shooting at University of Central Florida

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"University of Central Florida Narrowly Avoids Tragedy Monday"


"The University of Central Florida student who planned to massacre his fellow students had ordered more than $700 worth of weapons online, including two packages of ammunition, gun shooting DVDs, and accessories for his weapons that arrived on campus after the attack had already been thwarted.

The packages contained even more ammunition for the attack that former UCF student James Oliver Seevakumaran, 30, planned to carry out Monday morning shortly after midnight. He already had a handgun, assault rifle, high capacity magazines, and four homemade bombs he hoped to use on fellow students after pulling the fire alarm and forcing them into the crowded hallways, according to police."







Yeah don't think the libs are done yet. We have another day without one of these Actually occurring. As soon as the next one does though...................

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Notice women never plan these shooting sprees.

Something is wrong with the minds of men. Getting men fixed is a must. Not sure if its egos or what but mens violent part of the brain is far worse than women. Edited by Jesse
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Assault rifle? It was a friggin .22 caliber rifle with a 25 rd mag..... which tends to jam. On another note, he seemed to be one of the few people able to buy up .22 ammo lately.

The picture that I saw did look like a HK MP5-22. I know they it can do damage, but the reports that I heard made it seem as if he had dual mounted Barrets with ten millions rounds of ammo.
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Or is it the fact that they're single and have no prospects, and therefore is all the fault of women not being less picky? :) 


Notice women never plan these shooting sprees.

Something is wrong with the minds of men. Getting men fixed is a must. Not sure if its egos or what but mens violent part of the brain is far worse than women.


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