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Atlanta Mall cop at it again

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He has been let go from this job.  March 31st is his last day.  He did a skype interview with Fox News and said his actions were getting to much publicity.

I would bet he is never hired by anyone else as a security guard if they see this video........ever. Unless maybe a business wanting some publicity comes along.

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He did a skype interview with Fox News and said his actions were getting to much publicity.

...which is what happens when you take video of these actions and upload them to the Internet.

This man isn't long for this earth.
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He has been let go from this job. March 31st is his last day. He did a skype interview with Fox News and said his actions were getting to much publicity.
I would bet he is never hired by anyone else as a security guard if they see this video........ever. Unless maybe a business wanting some publicity comes along.

Someone will hire him, put him back in the ghetto, and film it for TV
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While I agree the SG doesn't have the best conflict resolution, I find it interesting that many of the comments are directed negatively at him. At least he's taking a stand and doing something. I doubt many of us would even take that job, much less actually confront these animals.


IMO this is a great example of what is wrong with society. The guy trying to do something is the villain for how he does it and the degenerates are excused and dismissed. Kinda like gun owners in general and especially in cases of self defense shootings. 

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While I agree the SG doesn't have the best conflict resolution, I find it interesting that many of the comments are directed negatively at him. At least he's taking a stand and doing something. I doubt many of us would even take that job, much less actually confront these animals.


IMO this is a great example of what is wrong with society. The guy trying to do something is the villain for how he does it and the degenerates are excused and dismissed. Kinda like gun owners in general and especially in cases of self defense shootings. 



But his method of "doing something" just makes the situation(s) worse. 


It's like when little kids decide to help you rake leaves.  They think they're helping but in reality they're just scattering the leaves everywhere.  Their lack of skill just makes the problem worse.  Its not their fault that they have no skills, but I wouldn't expect a kid to know that.  However, I would expect a "professional" to. 

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While I agree the SG doesn't have the best conflict resolution, I find it interesting that many of the comments are directed negatively at him. At least he's taking a stand and doing something. I doubt many of us would even take that job, much less actually confront these animals.
IMO this is a great example of what is wrong with society. The guy trying to do something is the villain for how he does it and the degenerates are excused and dismissed. Kinda like gun owners in general and especially in cases of self defense shootings. 

As I stated earlier, I know that this guy is not dealing with angels. I also stated that I would like to see what the people are doing before he flies off the handle. In the video that another member posted, someone stated that the guards latest victim was someone that the guard thought might have broken into the guards home. So, this nut case armed to the max starts threatening lethal force against the "suspect" and his friends while he is at work instead of calling the cops.

I mentioned in these threads before that I have a teen aged son, and yes he is a "Good Boy". That being said, there is a certain manner in which I expect my son to be treated by other members of society. That guard is a loon, and he has no business dealing with the puplic. I've seen security deal with idiots and their first reaction is not to start yelling "get out of my building" and pulling weapons.
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It was an entertaining video, but also very pathetic.  It is pathetic because those thug's vote counts too, and more than likely, it is your tax dollars getting redistributed to them.


All I have to say regarding the people in the video is that if you act like an animal you should be treated like one.

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