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TGO member injured in hunting accident


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Hate to hear that. Accidents happen to us all, sometimes we get lucky, unfortunately he didn't this time (then I guess it could have been worse!) Hope all goes well!

Does he need help with anything?

Thanks, I'll pass it on.


Dave S

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Speedy healing headed your way!  Don, I hate what happened, and I'm sorry to hear it.  Just a friendly reminder: we are all the same as you - we're just folks, and you will make it through this.  The important thing is that you still have a story to write (and stories to tell), people to love and make laugh, and chickens to protect - and you will do a great job of all of it.   I'm sure your friends can't wait to have this behind you so they can just hang out with thier good bud.

Lots of love from all of us at TGO.




-thanks Dave.

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Update on Don: he was on a walker for a few feet today and even got to sit in a chair for awhile! YAY! He's still in quite a bit of pain, but he is getting exceptionally good care and his wife was able to get away early to come home for some extra rest and to do laundry (before they charge them extra b/c she said she smelled! LOL!) Again, he and his wife both appreciate all the love and prayers sent in their direction!! For those who have offered help, that is so much appreciated also, but about all that anyone can do is pray for Don's pain to be lessened and to guide his healthcare team's hands. They're in this for the long-haul, and he will need lots of moral support for many weeks to come.

Don's next procedure is planned for Friday afternoon. The plan is to remove muscle tissue from his abdomen and transplant it to his leg. Hopefully, at the same time, he will have healed sufficiently so they can do the bone fusion/metal "replacement."


Don was very appreciative of his TGO families well wishes. He said to thank each and every one of you. As soon as he can, he'll get on here.


Thanks again!


Dave S


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A walker is better than a wheel chair. Hopefully that's a good sign. Thanks for the update.

I agree. Don just texted me and will call in a couple hours. I'll keep ya'll updated as I can.


Dave S

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Prayers sent from out west. On another note, I am on vacation next week so let him know I am in for a good posse to kill those rascally chicken thieves. I have had 2 friends involved in accidental shootings and best wishes to him and his speedy recovery(mentally as well as physically.)
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Prayers sent from out west. On another note, I am on vacation next week so let him know I am in for a good posse to kill those rascally chicken thieves. I have had 2 friends involved in accidental shootings and best wishes to him and his speedy recovery(mentally as well as physically.)

mental healing is very important!


Dave S

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