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Music City Tactical Shooters - Zombie Match

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Awesome! The 5.7 could get a little costly, but would really splatter some zombie brains!


Costly in ammo and buying new steel targets.  If we did not use steel targets at the distance we are using for this match( should be about 100-125 yards away), we would allow rifles to be used.  Might be a little hard for a pistol to be accurately shot by some at that distance, but would be fun to see how many people that hit the target.

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Mechanic_X has it right.  :up:


Or as I have so exactly illustrated before......






Let there be No Vagueness about the Greatest Zombie Killing Handgun load of all time (well at least in a semi-auto).


Besides...., I'm just looking for a reason to shoot my Colt Delta Elite.     

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Guest copperhead_1911

Man this sounds so cool. Wish I could make it. that is the kind of situational stuff people need, especially in this day and age.

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Will there be 9mm on hand for shooters to buy?

Yes. We sold 2300 last match. I am not sure how much Hognut has left, but I think around 2500.

Weather looks amazing on match day if it holds out.


Saturday, 6
68 | 50 °F
Partly Cloudy
Chance of
Precipitation 0%
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