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lets talk shaving, electric shavers to be exact

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yeah you read the title right, lol. Im in the market for a nice electric shaver, in the $75-125 range. Ive been using a cheap norelco for a few years and its starting to go out on me, so its time to upgrade. Ive never owned a nice electric shaver before, so was hoping some of you guys that have some higher end ones could chime in. Im not going all out with a $150+ shaver. 


I preferably want one with a cleaning/charge dock, and with straight shaving bars instead of the 3-head round shaver heads. So far i have my sights set on a Braun series 5. Ive never owned a Braun but they appear to be one of the nicer electric shaving brands. 


Also note that I do have sensitive skin, which is why razor shaving is out of the question. If I shave with a razor i break out bad for two or three days afterwards. 


So all you guys with nicer electric shavers (and i know there are quite a few of you) chime in let me know what brand you have, and if you would recommend it or not. Thanks!

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Let me go ahead and state i know i wont ever get a perfect shave out of an elecrtic shaver, i understand this. But like i said i cant use a razor if i dont want my face to burn and break out for a few days. So electric is my only option
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If it fits your lifestyle try not shaving every day. After a few days growth you will get a smooth shave with a razor as the whiskers are longer and more easily grabbed. I use "Kiss My Face" cream and it is very good. There are some that are oil based that work well, too.


If you do go with an electric I have had best results from the Braun.  Good luck.

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I've had two expensive electrics, no go , they eat my face up, look like I've got roseacea for several hours after -- I still use the trimmer side on one for mustache, that's about it.


Matter of fact, partially due to another thread here not long ago, I went back to double edged safety after many years of disposables, as in my old age I kept getting gnarly deep neck zits that took forever to head up and even longer to heal. Stared wondering if maybe this was some kind of ingrown hair thing that the disposables were causing.


Switched to a an old double I had around, brush and mug, prob seems to have gone away, and not long ago I bought a nice Edwin Jagger which is just great. Takes a bit more patience and care, but not a nick since I switched over, better shave, and no skin probs.


Just my most recent experiences,


- OS

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Let me go ahead and state i know i wont ever get a perfect shave out of an elecrtic shaver, i understand this. But like i said i cant use a razor if i dont want my face to burn and break out for a few days. So electric is my only option

I understand....and everyone is different. Your description is exactly what an electric does to me. I have a $100+ electric that I just can't use. My neck looks like raw hamburger after shaving even lightly with it. I went back to the old safety razor with the old fashioned double edge blade, shaving cream, and brush and I'm happy with it.
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I must be the oddball - I shave with a Norelco every day. After the initial adjustment period, I found that I get just as good a shave as I could with the disposables that I had been using. But then, my whiskers aren't very coarse. And I don't ever cut myself.

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I must be the oddball - I shave with a Norelco every day. After the initial adjustment period, I found that I get just as good a shave as I could with the disposables that I had been using. But then, my whiskers aren't very coarse. And I don't ever cut myself.

I think this is probably the biggest factor in how good they work. I have course hair and have never been able to get a good even shave with one. I have only ever tried the "straigt across" type and not the rotary kind though. I too got on ebay and bought an old gillette adjustable safety razor. I can shave for months with a $4 pack of double edged blades. One blade shaves as good as 4 if you know what you are doing.

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I'm an electric-only guy (sensitive skin and I don't have a heavy beard).

Started out with a cheapy, straight foil Remington over 20 years ago and it was awesome.  Then, years later, I decided to "upgrade" to the latest/greatest/more expensive similar Remington...and it sucked.


So, I bought a straight foil Braun (I forget the exact model, but it was one of their mid-grade ones).  OK shave, but it was loud and spewed hairs all over my sinktop.


Let me say too, I've also tried the 3headed razors and didn't like them due to the crappy shave performance on MY face.


So, with that said, my latest razor (for 1.5-2 years) is a 3headed Norelco 7340XL (yes, I decided to give them another try).

I love it.  No, it doesn't have a docking charger (and for cleaning, you just pop it open and run it under water), but I easily get a week's worth of everyday shaves per charge.

It's quiet and I get a surprisingly close shave with it.


I mention this because, like you, I had written off 3headed shavers for many years until a coworker, with a similar opinion, told me about Norelco's latest offerings changing his mind.

Edited by TN-popo
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I had a Norelco one of the ones that dispensed shave lotion, after using it for about 2-3 weeks my face got adjusted and I could get a decent shave, but I got tired of buying the shave lotion packs and the blades were pretty expensive. I now use a shick Quattro, best shave ever, I can even dry shave without irritation but that has as much to do with my skin as anything, on the other hand an electric breaks me out. Edited by tennessee01tacoma
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I bought a Norelco at Sams (came with a "personal" groomer) a couple years ago and I'm okay with it.  I've used Norelco products for almost 35 years.   I've had a cheap Braun and was not satisfied with it's performance.  I hate shaving and could care less if I had some stubble.  I now have the most stylist pubic area!!!  LOL

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I'm an electric-only guy (sensitive skin and I don't have a heavy beard).
Started out with a cheapy, straight foil Remington over 20 years ago and it was awesome. Then, years later, I decided to "upgrade" to the latest/greatest/more expensive similar Remington...and it sucked.

So, I bought a straight foil Braun (I forget the exact model, but it was one of their mid-grade ones). OK shave, but it was loud and spewed hairs all over my sinktop.

Let me say too, I've also tried the 3headed razors and didn't like them due to the crappy shave performance on MY face.

So, with that said, my latest razor (for 1.5-2 years) is a 3headed Norelco 7340XL (yes, I decided to give them another try).
I love it. No, it doesn't have a docking charger (and for cleaning, you just pop it open and run it under water), but I easily get a week's worth of everyday shaves per charge.
It's quiet and I get a surprisingly close shave with it.

I mention this because, like you, I had written off 3headed shavers for many years until a coworker, with a similar opinion, told me about Norelco's latest offerings changing his mind.

The one i had before my current one was an older remington 3 head rotary, i hated it, needless to say i didnt have it long. But that was awhile ago....maybe rotary electric razors have improved quite a bit since then? I think im gonna try the braun next paycheck.
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Rotary head razors suck. It's that simple for me. As far as electrics, Braun is the best I've used. Granted that's only been 3 different brads. Remington, Norelco, and Braun. I never really liked the electrics, but when I had to start chemo, I was warned not to use anything else for fear of infection from possible nicks and cuts.


But all that said, I still prefer bladed razors. I've tried the 2/3/5 bladed monstrosities and they don't work any better than the single for me. My beard's not especially tough, just grows in several different directions and makes a really close smooth shave darn near impossible, especially around the neck.

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I am 39, and back in December or January, I used my first electric shaver.  I was just really tired of wetting my face and smearing shaving gel.  I also am a total cheap-ass, so I was using razors that were dull.  I had just changed to a fresh razor, and though it performed better than the dull one I tossed, I kept missing spots, even on my chin - I'm no morning person, and I need a shaving mirror I can see. 


I decided to take the plunge on an electric, and it was going to be a foil shaver either by Braun or Panasonic.  I ended up getting the $149 Arc 4 model.  The Braun is cleaned by letting it sit in a cleaning dock full of some solution.  The Panasonic says to squirt liquid soap on the foil and run it under water.  It has a timer, too.  Some days I shave in 1:40.  Others, 2:20.  It's odd how some mornings it's quicker to get everything cut than others.  The timer feature is neat since otherwise I would get lost in time while I'm waking up. 


Many weeks later, I was thinking the electric was not as close as the razor.  It is not, but this morning I pulled out the gel and razor again, and actually, having back to back shaves for comparison, the razor is barely better.  All things considered, I am definitely glad I made the switch to a shaver, and I will only use the razor and gel for traveling. 


I think there was a similar but cheaper Panasonic model that is in your price range. 

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OP, I'm in the same boat as you.   I had to give up my brush and mug for an electric due to a skin issue about 12 years ago.   Settled on a Panasonic ES8249 and Afta Pre-Electric Original for a close shave without irritation and redness.  Has a charging/cleaning dock.    Still not the smae but it does a good job for me.


I still have my old shaving tools.  It was part of the morning ritual for me that I still miss occasionally.  Can never go back but I hang on to them.

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If you must go with an electric shaver, try a Remington wet/dry double foil screen. You can pick up a refurbished one on eBay for $15-$30. You'll have to get a women's model for this price, but they are EXACTLY the same as the men's models, but different colors. The model numbers are WDF-3000, WDF-3500, WDF-4800, etc.  I think my most recent one is the WDF-5500 in sort of an ice blue color. It's literally cheaper to buy this refurb razor at $24 than to buy a new foil and blade replacement. You'll need to go online and learn how to shave with a wet razor, but a wet shave with the right soap is the best electric shave I've had.


That said... and this is generalizing, I know... but most men don't have a clue about how to shave.


I go to the YMCA a lot and occasionally there are guys shaving in the locker rooms. I AM AMAZED at their lack of technique! These guys need to go to a place like Badger and Blade and watch their tutorials to learn how to shave.


I recommend that you really should try an old timey double edge razor and the right soap/oil for your face. I use a Merkur Progress double edge razor ($56 on eBay) and Personna Platinum (red box) blades (50 for $8.99 on eBay).  I've tried the best British soaps and Boar bristle brushes, but I no longer use them. 


I get the very best shave this way.


Wet face with warm water. Apply a light layer of almond oil like you'd apply after shave. (You can buy special shaving oils if you like... they might be better for an oil-only shave, but I prefer oil + a special soap. Other shaving oils include jojoba, grapeseed, vitamin E. Castor oil is also used, but only in blends; it's too thick by itself.)


After applying the oil, wet face with warm water again. Rub your face with a bar of special soap (described later). It won't form a lather like you're accustomed to with a shaving gel. It will just get soapy. Shave VERY lightly, going in the direction of the grain. If you have a light beard, you're done. For heavier beards, rinse, apply another light layer of soap and shave going at right angles to the grain. Once you get good at this, you can do a final shave against the grain, but it really isn't necessary.


For soap, I prefer Tea Tree Oil soap. Whole Foods Market sells the fancy oil-based soaps. You can also find soaps that have oil in them at flea markets. I've tried Bay Rum and other scented soaps, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Orange, etc. I buy my soap from a flea market vendor who specializes in home made soaps. ($5/bar... lasts about six months to a year.)

Edited by jgradyc
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