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The Sequester has hit close to home.

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Talk about pissed........


My step-son is 19. He's an awesome young man.  He graduated High School at 16 and joined the National Guard at 17 with a contract to pay for his college.  At Ft. Sill, He finished 1st out of 250 in his "boot camp" training. He then finished 1st out of another group of about the same number in his AIT training at the same location. He finished his first semester of college and half of the second while in the NG before he turned 18 with a 3+ point average. He's been back less than a week from a 1 year deployment to the Middle east and has been working towards getting signed up for another year of college (he took a second semester online while deployed).  While deployed he signed up for 6 more years.  Well, he found out yesterday that his financial assistance contract with the Guard is no more.  No more assistance for college at all. Due to budget cuts of our military. Of course his pay was cut before he got back home. He's been making less than he made when he left, even with time and and rank increase.  Talk about a %$*& up situation....



But the good news is this: Welfare is just fine...no cuts in pay or bennies for those folks. They're just fine with their welfare check and all the money they can make from drugs.


End of rant.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Sorry about your son, but are you sure about the welfare? Not that I doubt it, but I figured my railroad

disability was probably considered on the same plane to some as welfare. As if I gave a damn. Mine took a

9.2% hit and probably won't get any better. I'd love to think welfare and those broasted chicken cards(EBT)

took a hit.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Including the architect of this fiasco.

You're being kind. I know the fool doesn't have an architect degree. He does have a degree in pot smoking, though.

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Sorry about your son, but are you sure about the welfare? Not that I doubt it, but I figured my railroad

disability was probably considered on the same plane to some as welfare. As if I gave a damn. Mine took a

9.2% hit and probably won't get any better. I'd love to think welfare and those broasted chicken cards(EBT)

took a hit.


Thanks....he's really disappointed. We're looking at options.


I'd say the best proof there has been no cut in welfare is there's no rioting in every city in the country and no neighborhoods being burned to the ground in protest.  Just an educated guess since I'm sure those on welfare would not take any cut of any kind laying down.

Edited by Randall53
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Guest 6.8 AR

You're probably right about that. Mine came in the form letter variety declaring that all the money I had

contributed to my portion of the retirement fund was reduced by 9.2%. I laughed.


There is only one government employee I will show respect to, from now on: A Soldier. The rest of them can

play with their fantasies on what I think of them.

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Our son lost his tuition assistance as well. They said it will not be available until October 1st unless nothing changes. Some colleges offer reduced rates for military members so he can still go, it will just cost a bit more. If he wants to go to school we will make sure his tuition is paid.


He did say the civillians on base have to take a day a week off without pay



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from my understanding the education assistance program was cut, however with a 6 year obligation your son should qualify for the MGIB SR Chpt 1606.  The MGIB pogram is funded by the VA and as of yet has not been messed with.  His unit should be able to assist him in the process for the MGIB if they cant or wont PM me and ill get you the contact info for the FT Campbell Ed center. They have a staff specifically for this type of thing nd may be able to help. 

Edited by c.a.willard
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Well, it was (the sequester) designed to make people hurt, sorry your step-son was part of king  :poop: nothing's agenda. Everyone should be pissed that our military is affected at all, especially when it comes to benefits.


There is so much waste in government programs that there is no need to punish our service members and veterans. Just do a search on "gov. waste" and see what's out there, it's sickening. This so-called sequester that the king approved and orchestrated is nothing in terms of really cutting a budget. :bs:  


Krauthammer said it best,


In terms of the gross domestic product of our economy this is .03, it's a third of 1% of our domestic economy. On the domestic side, overall, it's 2.5 cents on the dollar. And overall, on the non-defense side, it's a penny-and-a-half on the dollar of reductions. Here we are with a debt of $16 trillion and the argument today is if we cut a penny-and-a-half on non-defense spending in one year it's the end of the world. If so, we are hopelessly in debt and we're going to end up like Greece.


So what do we have, we have a lying king going out on the campaign trail to spew fear and lies.  :mad:



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Sorry to hear about your Son's situation. Unfortunately, this is all part of the Obama administration's plan; to piss off the American people, and to force the republican's into caving to his wishes. Making cuts the the military is a sure-fire way to get people riled up. They know exactly what they're doing.

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The guy architect of this is the american voter.

Look in the mirror when pointing the finger of blame.


Now ya done gone & pissed on the campfire.  Steaming the place up with that there yeller fog....

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from my understanding the education assistance program was cut, however with a 6 year obligation your son should qualify for the MGIB SR Chpt 1606.  The MGIB pogram is funded by the VA and as of yet has not been messed with.  His unit should be able to assist him in the process for the MGIB if they cant or wont PM me and ill get you the contact info for the FT Campbell Ed center. They have a staff specifically for this type of thing nd may be able to help. 

He is going to try to avoid using MGIB while in if possible.


He is AF and stationed in Georgia, not like it matters to the GI Bill. I just spoke to him and he said there are a lot of grants and programs for him he can use. His supervisor was telling him they still have plenty of programs to help out without dipping into his GI Bill. My son is worried if he starts using it the time frame to use it will pass before he gets out.


I do remember that a person has 10 years to use it from the time they exit. Mine expired a few years ago.



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The guy architect of this is the american voter.

Look in the mirror when pointing the finger of blame.


I'm sorry to hear about your son's bad news, but I remember telling my wife what Mike said after the election in November.  Our country, as a whole, is getting exactly what we asked for and what we deserve.  Not all of us deserve it, of course, but the American people spoke and made it clear exactly how dense and morally bankrupt our country is.

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Dolomite, i ment more for the OP's son as he is National Guard and may have the time available to do enough credits to maintain eligibility.  I agree that for those on AD in any branch that there isnt enough free time available to maintain the hours requirement for MGIB use.  Most any of us here that have served can point to any number of programs that could be cut with neglible if any effects on force readiness.  Cutting TA is definately not one of those items, it has real tangible benifits to the militaryfor minimal cost.

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What I always thought was the biggest waste was when a military member retired he would be hired in doing the same position for more money. I seen it plenty in a school house environment. It was almost expected that a retiree was allowed to keep his AD position as a civilian but get paid more.

Another was paying contractors to run food service while cooks sat around. I will admit the food was a lot better with contractors.

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My big thing is dont penalize units for saving money.  Requiring you to spend your entire budget or risk loosing a significant chunk of it the next year leads to incredibly wastefull purchases.  Also make it easier for units to turn in live ammo so you dont have the obligatory were all done qualifying lets burn this ammo because brass is easier to turn in.  The military is awash with wastefull practices.  heck my reserve unit is about to do a 3 day drill for one day of weapons quals and bussing 100 people from michigan down for it.  If units all over the map were a little more carefull with their spending there would be no need to cut programs like this.

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You're probably right about that. Mine came in the form letter variety declaring that all the money I had
contributed to my portion of the retirement fund was reduced by 9.2%. I laughed.

There is only one government employee I will show respect to, from now on: A Soldier. The rest of them can
play with their fantasies on what I think of them.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I guess my step-sister nurse who busts her ass for the VA is part of the problem; I will be sure to let her know. And no, the welfare people did not take a hit. The SSI recipients received COLA raises ( like the military) for the last two years. Meanwhile, my step-sister who works for a living will have no pay raises for at least 3 years, and the latest talk in congress is to cut her pay 5.5 percent. She's not complaining, but it doesn't seem fair to me that the welfare cheats are not asked to make any sacrifice.

I'm sorry that your disability check was cut 9.2 percent, but it was not the rank and file government worker who did it. You can thank the president and both sides of congress for this mess. Edited by diablo982
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it was not the rank and file government worker who did it. You can thank the president and both sides of congress for this mess.

And the jack wads who proceeded them. Screw both parties. I can't wait for the day that people stop voting for these fools every four years in the popularity contest that we call elections. They mean the American people no good. My feelings about radio and tv personalities are even stronger. Those misleading mf'ers should be hung. Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest 6.8 AR

I'm sorry you feel that way. I guess my step-sister nurse who busts her ass for the VA is part of the problem; I will be sure to let her know. And no, the welfare people did not take a hit. The SSI recipients received COLA raises ( like the military) for the last two years. Meanwhile, my step-sister who works for a living will have no pay raises for at least 3 years, and the latest talk in congress is to cut her pay 5.5 percent. She's not complaining, but it doesn't seem fair to me that the welfare cheats are not asked to make any sacrifice.

I'm sorry that your disability check was cut 9.2 percent, but it was not the rank and file government worker who did it. You can thank the president and both sides of congress for this mess.

I wasn't looking for pity or sarcasm, just the same. For what it's worth, she
can do better in the private sector. I never worried about raises, either. I
found ways to get more work. Ways been that way, and never relied on
the government for a dime. For your information, I expected something
like this to happen with a sequestration. Politics in motion. Hit people
where it hurts: the wallet. It's not the nurse, geologist or ditch digger on
the government payroll that bothers me, but they can get jobs in the
private sector. So, whatever you wish to tell her, that's fine. Privatize
VA and it would be run with some level of efficiency, just like most of
what our taxes go for. You brought up your stepsister. I have nothing
against her or any federal employee except that they are associated
more directly to the waste that you and I pay taxes for. Lets not
personalize the next post, please. I haven't met your stepsister. I'm sure
she's a nice gal. :D
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Our son lost his tuition assistance as well. They said it will not be available until October 1st unless nothing changes. Some colleges offer reduced rates for military members so he can still go, it will just cost a bit more. If he wants to go to school we will make sure his tuition is paid.


He did say the civillians on base have to take a day a week off without pay





Talk about pissed........


My step-son is 19. He's an awesome young man.  He graduated High School at 16 and joined the National Guard at 17 with a contract to pay for his college.  At Ft. Sill, He finished 1st out of 250 in his "boot camp" training. He then finished 1st out of another group of about the same number in his AIT training at the same location. He finished his first semester of college and half of the second while in the NG before he turned 18 with a 3+ point average. He's been back less than a week from a 1 year deployment to the Middle east and has been working towards getting signed up for another year of college (he took a second semester online while deployed).  While deployed he signed up for 6 more years.  Well, he found out yesterday that his financial assistance contract with the Guard is no more.  No more assistance for college at all. Due to budget cuts of our military. Of course his pay was cut before he got back home. He's been making less than he made when he left, even with time and and rank increase.  Talk about a %$*& up situation....



But the good news is this: Welfare is just fine...no cuts in pay or bennies for those folks. They're just fine with their welfare check and all the money they can make from drugs.


End of rant.



from my understanding the education assistance program was cut, however with a 6 year obligation your son should qualify for the MGIB SR Chpt 1606.  The MGIB pogram is funded by the VA and as of yet has not been messed with.  His unit should be able to assist him in the process for the MGIB if they cant or wont PM me and ill get you the contact info for the FT Campbell Ed center. They have a staff specifically for this type of thing nd may be able to help. 

TA is in no ones contract. It has been mentioned by recruiters of course but what do they tell people when they want something? Get it in your contract. TA was nice while it lasted but it is by no means a sure thing. Im sorry but that is the way it is. TA was a limited amount of funds and if you didn't request it in time each semester you didnt get any then either.



I think I hit multiquote out of order so it switched Dolomite and Randall's posts.

Edited by Daniel
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He needs to use his GI BILL now. Once you get out of the Guard or Reserves it is no longer any good. It is different for active duty.

If he was mobilized he qualified for the post 9/11 GI bill that is good up to three years. My wife did 8 years in the Reserve and end up

with NOTHING once she got out. Once the 9/11 bill passed she got three year. Have him call the VA.

There are people at the the VA that deal with this every day.

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