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Knoxville family home invasion, learn to shoot a gun

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Guest MilitiaMan

Quoted from the story - "We don't know why people do things. We don't know why people just do random home invasions when there are children in the house," said Karena Spiller.





When are people going to learn? There is no "why" anymore (if there ever was). The world is an F'd up place, society is morally decayed (excluding the few of us left that are decent law abiding citizens) and bad things happen all the time. And it's only going to get worse.


There's no room to sit back and ask "why me?" or "why us?" anymore.


If my door gets knocked on, and I'm not expecting anyone, it gets answered with a gun in my hand. And I see nothing wrong with that. The world is what it is. Society has become what it has become. I am simply playing along. But that game I like to play is called "I win". Atleast that's the plan.

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Because people project their own morals and values whether they be good or bad, which are relative terms. Folks who have never experienced evil have a hard time understanding it. "I would never hurt or steal from someone; I can't understand why someone would", is what folks like that say.

This is why they don't "believe" in firearms because they refuse to believe there are bad people in this world. They watch tv and read the news is blissful ignorance that the horrible things that happen to folks could actually happen to them. Really, folks don't need to understand evil, they just need to come to terms with the fact that it exists, and evil will not bend to good intentions and hope; it will only bend to superior violence and firepower.
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