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Any IT people here?

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First it is a notebook.


second, no video fan


3rd, no body has been in it so  what ever was there is there.


4th, I don't mind apple, I own an i phone but I don't need mac suggestions on a problem I have with a windows computer. Thats like telling a guy who owns a ford with a starter problem that a chevy would be better. No help at all.


5th. I appreciate all the help but I think the cooling fan is shot, taking it to a friend that's a computer guru tomorrow.


There's software that can tell you if the fan is turning (provided your computer is compatible). But if you're a normal home user.. yeah I agree with taking it to your computer buddy.

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fan on a laptop won't run all the time, they usually only turn on when temps hit a certain level to save battery power


<edit> sorry misread your post - if it is always on, it could be running slow. Smell near the fan and if it smells like bandaids then something electronic in there is shot for sure.

Edited by Sam1
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If you haven't spent the money for Windows 8 don't.  I blows hairy yaks.  Bought an OEM copy, took me 2 hours to get the nonsense off of the computer and get 7 back on.  I bought it for my man, thought hey this way he won't be able to screw up the computer so I have to spend so much time fixing it.  It just about drove me out of my mind.  Think Vista only harder to get rid of.  Hackers paradise.  Anyways, went back to 7 and am waiting on MS to come up with something better.  If I could just get Geoff to try Linux...  Oh well.  My 2 cents.


Seen 2 that needed thermal paste.  I started working on them in '79 so I have seen a lot.  1 had cat hair inside the socket?  The other had cat pee everywhere.  Looked like somebody killed a gofer rat after I was done.  Cleaned them up, complete disassembly and reassembly, put Linux on and both worked good afterwards. 


Dude, if your fan isn't coming on turn it off and take it to somebody reliable to fix it.

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