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Gabby Gifford's husband goes out and buys an AR15 lol

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After testifying about how no one needs one of these, he went out and bought one. Then gets caught in the deal and says "it was only for demonstrating how easy it is to get one". And that he is going to turn the gun over to police when it arrives.


First thing I noticed is that if he was trying to buy a used gun and he was not allowed to leave the store with the gun, then it seems like it wasn't that easy. Secondly, if this was a stunt to show how easy it was, not only was it a terrible idea, it failed miserably and back-fired  :rofl:



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His wife was shot with an AR 15? I wonder if he realizes that a person could have assassinated her with muzzle loading percussion pistol from the 18th century if they wanted. These people are stupid. It's a piece of metal and plastic; it has no soul, just like most liberals.
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His wife was shot with an AR 15? I wonder if he realizes that a person could have assassinated her with muzzle loading percussion pistol from the 18th century if they wanted. These people are stupid. It's a piece of metal and plastic; it has no soul, just like most liberals.

No, she was shot with a Glock 19 with a 33 rd mag in it.

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Sounds like NICS flagged him...


That's what I was thinking too, think it's funny as hell it happened. I'd like to see him come out and explain why he was able to buy a gun, but not leave the store with it

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This story just made my day! If Mark Giffords focus was on preventing the mentally ill from acquiring weapons, I could respect that. After all, that is what ultimately lead to his wife's shooting. Its his overstepping by favoring gun restriction for the law abiding citizen which really chaps my behind. He kept using the "we own glocks" line to make him seem like a gun owner in favor of responsible control. That's total b.s. At least choose a frickin side and stick with it. Now he has been exposed as a total hypocrite.

Oh and I love the angle about exposing how easy it is to purchase an AR, and he's turning over a legal weapon to the police. It reminds me of the band member from The Who, who was caught with child pornography on his computer. His defense? I was researching how easy it is to find kiddie porn on the internet, and planned on turning it over to the police.
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See what all that extra capacity gets you. A 36 would have worked better, not that it wasn't tragic and all.


What is tragic is the left using a brain damaged spoksperson who does not know any better to spearhead their agenda. 

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There are a lot of hunters and recreational shooters that go along with some of the restrictions true anti-gunners are proposing, like private back checks and mag caps. They say they support the second amendment, but I believe it's more that they are not against it. Folks like the Giffords affirm that the people have a right to keep and bear arms, but they stumble over the "shall not be infringed" part. What if you were to ask them if the same restrictions they want to place upon our 2A rights would carry over to 1A? How about allowing free speech, but you're limited to no more than 10 minutes? What if all civil rights activists were required to undergo a background check before they could get a permit to march in protest or stand on a corner with a sign? Could a person in need of legal counsel hire someone who once served in the JAG Corps or would he be too much of a "military style" lawyer? I mean, where do we draw the line on their favorite rights?

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What is tragic is the left using a brain damaged spoksperson who does not know any better to spearhead their agenda. 


Can't swing a dead cat without hitting a brain damaged spokesperson in that crowd.

Edited by mikegideon
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It dont matter what the weapon was!!!! Weapons dont murder people!!! People Murder People!!!  Why couldn't it had been a basketball hoop? And he just beat the crap out of all those people with that??? Reckon there would be a lot of 7 foot tall people out of work because the government wanted to ban basketball? 

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Guest 6.8 AR

There are a lot of hunters and recreational shooters that go along with some of the restrictions true anti-gunners are proposing, like private back checks and mag caps. They say they support the second amendment, but I believe it's more that they are not against it. Folks like the Giffords affirm that the people have a right to keep and bear arms, but they stumble over the "shall not be infringed" part. What if you were to ask them if the same restrictions they want to place upon our 2A rights would carry over to 1A? How about allowing free speech, but you're limited to no more than 10 minutes? What if all civil rights activists were required to undergo a background check before they could get a permit to march in protest or stand on a corner with a sign? Could a person in need of legal counsel hire someone who once served in the JAG Corps or would he be too much of a "military style" lawyer? I mean, where do we draw the line on their favorite rights?

I'm sure the left can find a few like you mention, but I seriously doubt there are as many as you think. Props are

easy to find, given the right set of questions. They fall apart when questioned on their principles affecting their

attitude about the 2nd Amendment. Lots of propaganda out there.

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Can't swing a dead cat without hitting a brain damaged spokesperson in the crowd.

Well, true, but after the fact, quietly, they admitted to spending the past month coaching her on how to say her one liner when she did her epic annoucement to turn anti-gun.  I suspect she is being coached and used by the left; before she was a pro-gun democrat, which still isnt saying much... but it was better than this. 

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Guest 6.8 AR

I wonder which seat he will run. I think they have two residences. Just like a Democrat. She was very lucky

to get her seat and it was likely she wouldn't hold it. I hope they groom and groom him. All of it may have changed

by now, but I remember hearing her seat was one of the most vulnerable Democrat seats, so maybe he can

get beat and both of them can stay home, take the rifle out back and shoot at targets. :D

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What is tragic is the left using a brain damaged spoksperson who does not know any better to spearhead their agenda. 

And that is the husband.

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