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Had a scare last night...

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+1 on having dog(s), there is no particular breed necessary unless you want to spend alot of time/money learning schutzhund techniques or similar. most any working/herding/hound or sporting breed have strong traits of loyalty and desire to please. you don't have to have a dobie, rottie, gsd (some of my favorite breeds). my inlaws have a <20lb schnauzer that goes batcrazy if just about anyone crosses property line.

+ teach the wife to use the guns so that:

 (1) if you are not there (i.e. at work, at store, out of town, etc.) she can be fully capable of defending your child and herself and repelling any attacker(s)

 (2) if your little girl does start sleeping in her own room, your wife can go with you to your daughter and stand guard over her if you move to clear the house

 (3) it'll give the wife the safety training to help your daughter remain safe around guns in the house & it's a great confidence tool for women in general especially shorter ones to know that they have the ability to safely & competently use more tools for their protection

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