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The NRA must be busy!

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My membership expires on 3/31. Normally I start receiving renewal letters 6 months before my membership expires but I haven't received squat from them so far and we're down to the last few weeks.


Yes I realize I can renew online but I guess I enjoy it when they beg me for money. I may opt for the lifetime membership this time if the $300 deal is still available. 


Is anyone else experiencing this?

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....Is anyone else experiencing this?


Nope, I've had several "renew early" BegAMails. I finally somewhat early upped for 3 extra years at a bit of a discount with a free cheapo knife. :)


Maybe you've actually been able to turn off the mail somehow. I get something pretty much weekly from either NRA or NRA-ILA in the snailmail. However, I don't get emails, amazingly enough.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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After a quick look at the NRA site, it looks like the offer is still available. I'd been a yearly renewing member for probably 20 years. Just never seemed to have the notion and the funds to become a lifer athe same time.


But did sign on last week.


But to your question, Yes. I'd gotten several early renewal requests over the last 6 months or so.

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Mine was about to expire. I called them and went ahead and did the lifetime for $300. Way I see it they can use the extra money right now, and its the best deal I will ever get.

I agree, with attacks coming from states, feds and the U.N. Small Arms Treaty meetings that begin a week from now. I upgraded to Life Member a few weeks ago.
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Nope, I've had several "renew early" BegAMails. I finally somewhat early upped for 3 extra years at a bit of a discount with a free cheapo knife. :)
Maybe you've actually been able to turn off the mail somehow. I get something pretty much weekly from either NRA or NRA-ILA in the snailmail. However, I don't get emails, amazingly enough.
- OS

I remember renewing my membership a few years ago when my son was a pup. He wanted that cheap knife. It never came and I had to purchase my boy a Spyderco to make up for it.
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Funny, I just got a extended renewal notice, as if I were late. My membership wasn't up until May, and besides, I signed up for life on Feb. 28th!


Just an attempt to get you to sign up for an extended membership, and possibly to Lifetime status. And to get extra monies for the upcoming battles.


I've declined all the freebies for years; might save a little money for better use. But in reality, I just thought most of the stuff wasn't worth having.

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