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Rand paul, 7 hours into his Brennan filabuster


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Guest 6.8 AR

In the interest of giving credit when due, Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon also assisted in the filibuster.

That is something! I'm impressed.

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Ya know, the thing that really ticks me off is the most of the self described liberals are silent.  They jumped all over Bush, and at times it was justified, but they are silent when Obama has expanded what Bush was doing.  These people aren't liberals in the true sense of the word.  They are nothing more than partisan political hacks, and to be quite blunt, they can kiss my a$$.  They have absoutely no credibility.


(edit) - I would like to add McCain, Graham, and their ilk to the list that can kiss my a$$.

Edited by mav
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Mav, the sad thing, both sides are just alike, cant tell one from the other.

Till one of of the good guys speak up in this way.

I was out working last night, tried to call his office and the mail box was full by 10:00PM.

The more I hear Rand speak the more I like him.

Wish I could vote for him at sometime in the next few years.

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Guest 6.8 AR

The most important thing from Rand's filibuster is that he is demonstrating that that oath the President swore

to, can't be watered down by the use of such insane words as "intent". When someone swears to that oath and

breaks his oath to the flag, or the people, he has to be held accountable. Intent can change from one moment

to the next, and is exactly what can change with people like Holder and Obama, and fools like Brennan and

Hagel, who never should have gotten this far in the nomination process.


At least Rand Paul served them notice that there are people paying attention. Might not do much good, but it is

a good start. Rand's a patriot.

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