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IDPA Match - Music City Tactical Shooters

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Guest rbrooks65

This should be another great match at MCTS.  If you have been thinking about trying an IDPA match for the first time, or if you are just looking for a new way to practice, we'd love to have you join us.  If you have an open mind and a desire to improve, we guarantee that we can make you a better shooter.  Also, if you've never shot a competitive match before, don't be shy or intimidated -- we go the extra mile to make sure new shooters feel at home.


At the very least you'll get to spend the morning testing your skills on some challenging stages while getting to know some nice folks who want to make sure you stay safe and have fun...


Hope to see you there!


Rick B.

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Nice prediction, sir.  Hope it will not come to that unless you will do a re-shoot :woohoo: .... Looking forward to seeing you there... Have a good one :wave: ...


Norma :cool:

Predicted round count for me.....147   :surrender:

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Guest sbcman

It looks to be a great weekend for shooting a really fun match. I think my wife is even coming out to shoot her very first match. We will see y'all on the range Saturday.

 That's great! My wife shot her first match last Saturday. She was pretty nervous, as we all probably were at our first match, but she did great and gained some confidence. Wonderful time!

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It still depends on how many volunteers(and shooters)show up to set up, but it looks like we can have all seven stages going on Saturday. It will be an amazing club level match. Four stages have moving targets of some sort. With the extra stages it will run smoothly and finish on time.


Hognut still has 9mm ammo available at the range.

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I am very interested in getting into this style of shooting. Punching paper at the range is getting a tad boring. I am newborn new to this kind of thing, not shooting or guns, just competitive shooting. I still have some equipment/ammo shortages that I need to get before I can shoot a match, but I would like to come up tomorrow and watch and participate in the setup to get an idea of how the matches go before adding live-fire shooting into the mix.


What time should I show up for setup?




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9mm ammo can be purchased at the range for match use at a reasonable price. Let us know what type of gun you are using we may be able to help with a loaner piece or two of equipment so you can try this out. The setup crew gets out there early no later than 7:15 to get started. 

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Great to meet all the new people today. Good turnout for a great match.

It took me 5 years to get my wife to shoot a match. She had a great time today though I don't think she was fond of the steel. :). She encourages more women to give it a try.
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Scores are done. Congrats to CatsEye for the win with gsbell a very close second.

I hope everyone had a great time and thanks to all who helped out.


The forth Sunday steel match is set for March 24th.


And then you will need to get ready for the MCTS Zombie Match on April 6th. I think this will be an amazing match to attend. Very fun, fast and challenging. A round count of around 150 spread across 6 stages.


Any questions you can PM Hognut or me.

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Awesome shoot! The weather really did turn out perfect and we got in all 7 stages. Tish and I got to score and I even got a chance to run the clock! I had one strong stage, stage 5. Two steel targets at distance, then a shoot and advance vertically up the field shooting 14 rounds. With no targets obscured, it was really an exercise in cover and 'shoot and move.' The simplicity worked for me as did my two reloads and I almost went under twenty seconds (I did see the fasted time was just over 10!) Stage 2 is where I took it the worst, with 12 potential targets and some moving stuff... I didn't even SEE one of the targets from the window... TOTAL mental laps. Had a great squad though, thanks to Robert for keeping it running smoothly and our squad mates for ALL pitching in. Michael and Chip thanks for the garment hook up and of course MCTS for another well run match. We'll see you all at the next one!

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