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XDs compered to Glocks


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I traded my G26 for the equivalent XD-9 SC and liked it much better. But there was still the problem of having to dry fire to field strip. I wasn't entirely comfortable with that, so I sold the XD.

The dry fire issue was corrected with the XDM

But I have been looking at the XDM. It basically solves the problems with the Glocks for striker fired handguns. But I keep thinking that guns with hammers are still better. The only thing it would give me are 3 more rounds at the cost of some options and capabilities.

I love my XDs, but in an all out fire fight, I would rather have my Sig P226 9mm or my 1911 with my XDM as a backup. My IWB carry is an XD 40 SC, but during the fall and winter when i am wearing a jacket I carry one of my hammers listed above.

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Even I have to admit that the VP70 is pretty hideous. But for a weapon that came out in 1970, it's pretty spectacular. One of the local shops had one in stock for a little while. I was tempted to buy it just for historic value.

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Staying just a bit off of topic, but not much, Glock also copied the Iver Johnson "safe" trigger. Note the safety bar in the trigger of the second gun in this picture. It's also a hammerless gun, like a Glock. The revolver was made from 1897 - 1908.


All gun manufacturers "borrow" from each other. Hopefully, when they do that they also make a better gun. Generally, that seems to be true with each new "Glock-like" gun that comes out. New, and I think better, features are added. Grip safety, changeable backstraps, better chamber support and ability to field strip without dry firing.

If it proves to be reliable, durable and accurate, the XDM has it all. Now if they could just work out a way to de-cock and re-cock, it might be as good a design as a gun with a hammer. :koolaid:

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