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XDs compered to Glocks


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well i went today to shoot with some other TGO members today and two of them had XDs i told my wife to say back just in case one of the XDs kaboom but to my surprise no kaboom.. I'm just kidding :tinfoil: they shot just as good as my Glock. we all put over 200 rounds through our guns and not one hiccup with any of them. so ill say it XDs are almost as good as a Glock :panic:

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so ill say it XDs are almost as good as a Glock :panic:

That means you are about halfway back to reality from fantasy island. :tinfoil:

I have shot glocks and none of the ones I shot went Kaboom (but i have seen a Glock go kaboom), but i love my XDs and my new XDM is really amazing. It would take a lot for me to ever pick any other plastic over my XDM.

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Guest airbornefox

The XDM seems to be all right, but the only cal. it comes right know is .40 S&W. Don't know why they did that, shoulda put it in 9mm or .45 ACP.

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Guest SingleStack45
The XDM seems to be all right, but the only cal. it comes right know is .40 S&W. Don't know why they did that, shoulda put it in 9mm or .45 ACP.

My guess...was to appeal to LEO...since most departments that I know of issue/require .40 cal.

I do LIKE the fact that Springfield has already started to evolve their XD line...the other (to be un-named) major polymer handgun manufacturer hasn't even tried to make any real improvements on so-called "perfection"...

OK now...don't flame me...I'm new...:drama:

(don't get me wrong...the other gun...is a GREAT gun...but still...there is ALWAYS room for improvement)

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I do LIKE the fact that Springfield has already started to evolve their XD line...the other (to be un-named) major polymer handgun manufacturer hasn't even tried to make any real improvements on so-called "perfection"...

What, finger grooves and an accessory rail don't count?


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Guest SingleStack45
What, finger grooves and an accessory rail don't count?


Well...answering frankly...the finger grooves...don't fit me well...and the rail...well...even Kel-Tecs have rails... ;):D

But yeah...I guess that....umm...counts..... :love:


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Guest pelican

My 4 year old XD-9 did a kind of kaboom. I was using some reloads at a small indoor range in Ft. Walton, Fla, and I got a squib loaded round(no powder, only primer). Didn't here it as I had ear plugs and muffs on and another guy beside me was shooting too. I pullrd the trigger again, then the gun locked up with the slide jammed half open. When I got it home, I had to beat the slide off, where I discovered the barrel swelled. It looked like a snake that had swallowed a watermelon! But, the barrel had contained a blocked barrel being hit by another round and cleared it out with no external damage to the rest of the gun.

Since the damaged barrel was the result of bad ammo, the warranty was not effective. Also , by the time I got home and discovered the reason, it wasn't worth the bother of driving back to Fla. to try to get the range owner to pay for a new barrel.

I got a replacement barrel from EFK, couldn't be happier with it.

This gun had 6-7000 rounds thru it before the damage, and has about 2300 thru it since.

My conclusion is this; any gun can have a major malfunction, kaboom, or

what ever given the right(wrong) circumstances.

So , Glock, XD, S&W, whatever, they can all have a bad day! Hope yours are all great!

Thanks, Robert

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Guest m4coyote


I find it very impressive that your XD-9 held up that well. That is a true testament as to how tough they are. Many other weapons would have rewarded you with a shower of shrapnel for that kind of accident.

At this time, I prefer Glocks, but they are just what I am used to. I have been using them for 20 years, and have become very accustomed to their handling & firing idiosyncrasies. The Glock's trigger is more crisp than the XD series pistols (no gritty creep, just take up slack - then clean break).

I did consider and handle the all black XDM .40 last week, and am waiting on some accuracy reports from the new M series. The important upgrades to me are the "match" grade barrel, and improved trigger. The trigger still has some creep, but it is very smooth. I also like the ergonomics, and 16 round capacity.

The XD pistols also have greater support in the chamber area for the high pressure .40 S&W round, and that is a plus to me. If the reviews are favorable, I will probably will purchase a new "M" series XD.

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Guest db99wj
My 4 year old XD-9 did a kind of kaboom. I was using some reloads at a small indoor range in Ft. Walton, Fla, and I got a squib loaded round(no powder, only primer). Didn't here it as I had ear plugs and muffs on and another guy beside me was shooting too. I pullrd the trigger again, then the gun locked up with the slide jammed half open. When I got it home, I had to beat the slide off, where I discovered the barrel swelled. It looked like a snake that had swallowed a watermelon! But, the barrel had contained a blocked barrel being hit by another round and cleared it out with no external damage to the rest of the gun.

Since the damaged barrel was the result of bad ammo, the warranty was not effective. Also , by the time I got home and discovered the reason, it wasn't worth the bother of driving back to Fla. to try to get the range owner to pay for a new barrel.

I got a replacement barrel from EFK, couldn't be happier with it.

This gun had 6-7000 rounds thru it before the damage, and has about 2300 thru it since.

My conclusion is this; any gun can have a major malfunction, kaboom, or

what ever given the right(wrong) circumstances.

So , Glock, XD, S&W, whatever, they can all have a bad day! Hope yours are all great!

Thanks, Robert

Wow, nice story to hear. Squibs' while I have never had one, I have seen one be followed by a subsequent shot and one almost followed, both in revolvers, scare me. The one that the 2nd round was fired, looked bad, bent the frame rail above the cylinder, not sure what it is actually called.

Edited by db99wj
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Guest airbornefox
My guess...was to appeal to LEO...since most departments that I know of issue/require .40 cal.

I do LIKE the fact that Springfield has already started to evolve their XD line...the other (to be un-named) major polymer handgun manufacturer hasn't even tried to make any real improvements on so-called "perfection"...

OK now...don't flame me...I'm new...:)

(don't get me wrong...the other gun...is a GREAT gun...but still...there is ALWAYS room for improvement)

Yeah, Springfield actually improved on the design of its XD family of firearms. I've shot Glocks and XDs and I just feel better with an XD than a Glock.

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Guest sling

Hmm. I bought a Glock about a month or so ago...upgraded it to what probably should have been standard to begin with... 100 dollars later.

Carried it for awhile... eh. Didnt like it anywhere near that of my USPc.

Not too impressesd with the XD's either...though that could be due to me not particularly liking 1911's. I hate the back strap. I'll stick with my HK's.

Tried it... didnt like it... traded it off. Now at least i can say i dont care for it by experience.

I guess its good to carry in case you *forbid* actually have to use it... you wouldnt cry if it were lost to an evidence locker for eternity.

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I did consider and handle the all black XDM .40 last week, and am waiting on some accuracy reports from the new M series. The important upgrades to me are the "match" grade barrel, and improved trigger. The trigger still has some creep, but it is very smooth. I also like the ergonomics, and 16 round capacity.

The XD pistols also have greater support in the chamber area for the high pressure .40 S&W round, and that is a plus to me. If the reviews are favorable, I will probably will purchase a new "M" series XD.

I really love my XDM. I have only had a chance to put about 300 rounds through it, so it is still in the break in stage, but I am shooting almost as accurate with it as I am my Sig P226 9mm. It is a great gun and I would strongly recommend it. If yuo are ever in the Spring Hill area, you are more than welcome to try it out sometime.

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Guest bkelm18
I wonder why most of the Glock copies have failed,and this one keeps on going?

Just because its a polymer gun doesn't make it a Glock copy.:) They have lasted, because IMO, they are designed better than Glocks.

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Guest HogMan
well i went today to shoot with some other TGO members today and two of them had XDs i told my wife to say back just in case one of the XDs kaboom but to my surprise no kaboom.. I'm just kidding :) they shot just as good as my Glock. we all put over 200 rounds through our guns and not one hiccup with any of them. so ill say it XDs are almost as good as a Glock :wall:

I love my XD-9 SC, never shot A Glock, but from what I've heard about the Glock's I'd hate to have to live on the difference.

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I love my XD-9 SC, never shot A Glock, but from what I've heard about the Glock's I'd hate to have to live on the difference.

I traded my G26 for the equivalent XD-9 SC and liked it much better. But there was still the problem of having to dry fire to field strip. I wasn't entirely comfortable with that, so I sold the XD.

But I have been looking at the XDM. It basically solves the problems with the Glocks for striker fired handguns. But I keep thinking that guns with hammers are still better. The only thing it would give me are 3 more rounds at the cost of some options and capabilities.

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Guest sling

If we're going on the argument that copying a polymer pistol makes it a copy of a glock... i might just add that Glock MUST have copied HK seeing as the VP70 was the first poly gun to be created.:):wall:


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