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Expo Center gun show this Sat, Sun March 2-3. Knoxville.

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I finally got to see what a $469 stripped lower looks like. Was on the hunt for a Shield9 but no such luck. Did pick up a used SR22 and a Glock girl t-shirt for the wife.

There was a Shield9 there yesterday.All the way against the left wall. He was asking $600 for it.  That was the only one I saw.

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I actually saw 1000 rounds of PMC 5.56 for $625 and brand new PMAGs for $23. Best prices I've seen since this whole thing started. They guy was trying to pay off bills though. He said he had bought all that stuff when the prices went up and was now taking a loss on it. :ugh:

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I finally got to see what a $469 stripped lower looks like. Was on the hunt for a Shield9 but no such luck. Did pick up a used SR22 and a Glock girl t-shirt for the wife.


The $469 lower was an ATI Omni polymer lower at that.  The Palmetto State aluminum lower on the same table was about $600 IIRC.  Also saw a guy outside selling his Mini 14 for "not a penny less" than $2000.  At least it wasn't tactical.  Looked stock as a clock. 

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I actually saw 1000 rounds of PMC 5.56 for $625 and brand new PMAGs for $23. Best prices I've seen since this whole thing started. They guy was trying to pay off bills though. He said he had bought all that stuff when the prices went up and was now taking a loss on it. :ugh:

What a shame. Gonna be a whole lot more just like him eventually.

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I am so glad this is the last show for 2 months.  Maybe by then people will calm down a bit.


Or at least maybe there won't be as much reason over the next, couple of months for 'flippers' to clean out the shelves at Walmart thinking they can triple their money at the next gun show.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MAWLJ45

I would not mind making this my first gun show. Been looking for a good one to be my first. Would this be worth it?


Edited by MAWLJ45
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I would not mind making this my first gun show. Been looking for a good one to be my first. Would this be worth it?


Not that there will be any steals there during the panic, but the Knoxville Shows are generally said to be the largest in the state. And the Expo venue beats the hell outta the Jacobs Bldg.


- OS

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