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How would you react? OUTRAGEOUS!!

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I'm not sure i could hold my temper if my kids were subjected to this. We talk a lot about mental disease and gun control. The biggest mental disorder we have to worry about is liberalism. These folks are off their rockers. What if these kids had been made to dress up as nuns? The ACLU would been on it like a flt on poop!



Edited by KaNuckles
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Yep, the way society holds teachers in high regard, we should reconsider how we regard them. That particular

teacher should go. Some teaching going on, there.

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The Five said it best today, if the teacher wanted terrorists to be called "freedom fighters" and to show everyone how the muslim culture or "world beliefs" were, then why did they not talk about how if you are found to be gay in most of those cultures, you are beaten or murdered courtesy of state sanctioned laws?


If they're going to teach about it, it needs to be about the entire aspect of their culture not just selective bits and pieces.

Edited by Sam1
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CSCOPE is the Texas version of Common Core, (Federal curriculum for Race to the Top) it is in fact, the tax payer funded downfall of the United States.


While we are watching the budget battle and gun control they are taking over the minds of our children by using our tax dollars to indoctrinate our kids against private land ownership and Capitalism.   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Common-Core-in-Tennessee/322248557894269?ref=ts&fref=ts

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I can remember talking about Islam during world history back in high school. But we also talked Christianity as well.


Seems like if you were going to be touching on a controversial topic like that....you might write the parents and say "hey, we're about to cover this in class, fyi... here's my plans... blah blah blah".


Maybe she was going for the "take a walk in their shoes" approach, i can appreciate that teaching method. I used to be a technical trainer for Dell and sometimes getting techs to understand why they shouldn't be a-holes required me saying "imagine you're that customer". 


Freedom fighters though?... who is she fooling :D

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Guest ThePunisher
Public school principals, and teachers have been stricken with the liberalism disease just like our politicians, and other authoritarian officials of our country.The simple truth for the remaining rational thinking people is that we are out numbered by these idiots. We need to see Darwinism theory of survival of the fittest to start working quickly. But, maybe we're seeing the idiots more fit than us conservative rational humans, therefore out numbering us.
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Public school principals, and teachers have been stricken with the liberalism disease just like our politicians, and other authoritarian officials of our country.The simple truth for the remaining rational thinking people is that we are out numbered by these idiots. We need to see Darwinism theory of survival of the fittest to start working quickly. But, maybe we're seeing the idiots more fit than us conservative rational humans, therefore out numbering us.

In a world designed for idiots by idiots they ARE the fittest. 

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I can remember talking about Islam during world history back in high school. But we also talked Christianity as well.


Seems like if you were going to be touching on a controversial topic like that....you might write the parents and say "hey, we're about to cover this in class, fyi... here's my plans... blah blah blah".


Maybe she was going for the "take a walk in their shoes" approach, i can appreciate that teaching method. I used to be a technical trainer for Dell and sometimes getting techs to understand why they shouldn't be a-holes required me saying "imagine you're that customer". 


Freedom fighters though?... who is she fooling :D


This isn't even close to "touching on a controversial topic", this is akin to requiring Jews hug a Nazi and claiming Nazi's are just misunderstood colonists. This is indoctrination, not education. Real education doesn't change the facts because you can only really teach the truth. Teaching is providing knowlege of facts, not the creation of non-fiction. Attempting to change history by mischaracterizing it doesn't make it educational. They tried this with Columbus a few years ago, claiming he shouldn't be honored because he was nothing more than a slave trader.

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This isn't even close to "touching on a controversial topic", this is akin to requiring Jews hug a Nazi and claiming Nazi's are just misunderstood colonists. This is indoctrination, not education. Real education doesn't change the facts because you can only really teach the truth. Teaching is providing knowlege of facts, not the creation of non-fiction. Attempting to change history by mischaracterizing it doesn't make it educational. They tried this with Columbus a few years ago, claiming he shouldn't be honored because he was nothing more than a slave trader.


I can agree with this. I was simply trying to rationalize why the teacher thought this would be a good idea. But that's the problem in itself isn't it... you can't rationalize stupid.

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Guest Gunbunnie

I just looked up the standards for Texas, I could not find anything that would justify how the teacher taught her class. Granted I did a quick look, but I think the teacher decided to teach what she wanted. If that is the case she needs to be unemployed.

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This is the mural in the gym of my local high school. I am surprised there isn't an effort to get rid of it.

I would call it fairly conservative school still. My daughter had Ayn Rand's "Anthem" on her summer reading list.


I went to the wrong high school!!! 

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Guest 6.8 AR

it is the muslim brotherhood teaching Tolerance.


Now, if anyone doesn't know better after looking at this link who the Southern Poverty Law Center sides with,

hold on to your head so when it explodes, it doesn't go everywhere.

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Guest 6.8 AR

This is the mural in the gym of my local high school. I am surprised there isn't an effort to get rid of it.

I would call it fairly conservative school still. My daughter had Ayn Rand's "Anthem" on her summer reading list.


Good for her. I hear it's becoming more and more rare to have a reading list with anything worth reading on it.

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