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IDPA Match - Music City Tactical Shooters

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Upcoming MATCH: IDPA 5 stages minimum - Saturday, March 2nd, 2013
Round count: Approx 100 pistol rounds


Stages will be posted for this match Monday night. 


Spent the night celebrating a birthday.  Updated COF will be on the website tonight. Apologize for the delay.

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Awesome day! Don't know how... weather sucked, roads sucked and ultimately... I sucked.. BUT I had a great time. It shows why I like climate controlled environments. I forgot about how much of your manual dexterity you loose in low temps. My hands refused to work! Nice to finally get to Dixon and see the setup. Tish and I are now members!! (True be told I think the membership fee is really just a parking fee!! :pleased: ) All kidding aside we had a great time, thanks to Micheal for putting it on and for Rick and Rick "the Wheel" for keeping us safe and for the stage advise/help... we really need the reinforcement! See you guys on the 16th! DRY-FIRE DRY-FIRE DRY-FIRE!!!

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Guest rbrooks65

Awesome day! Don't know how... weather sucked, roads sucked and ultimately... I sucked.. BUT I had a great time. It shows why I like climate controlled environments. I forgot about how much of your manual dexterity you loose in low temps. My hands refused to work! Nice to finally get to Dixon and see the setup. Tish and I are now members!! (True be told I think the membership fee is really just a parking fee!! :pleased: ) All kidding aside we had a great time, thanks to Micheal for putting it on and for Rick and Rick "the Wheel" for keeping us safe and for the stage advise/help... we really need the reinforcement! See you guys on the 16th! DRY-FIRE DRY-FIRE DRY-FIRE!!!




It was a pleasure to shoot with you and Tish today.  We're glad to have the two of you as members, and look forward to more great matches ahead. I just hope it's a little warmer next time.


I won't feel as lonely now that there's another wheelgunner around...




P.S. Here are a couple of links that might be helpful if you decide to cut down your speedloaders...


How to disassemble a Safariland speed loader -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuwltQlAihk

How to cut them down -- http://www.coolcerts.com/IDPA/Modifying_Comp_III_Speedloaders.pdf

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