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Its auction time again

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What is crazy is that at one of the Powell Auctions last year, everything was going over MSRP...I mean like $225 for HI-Points, $400 or more for Ruger P95's, all before the 10% markup AND sales tax.  You wind up paying about 20% more than you bid.  Anyway, at that auction, everything was going more than retail, yet, I picked up an HK USP 9 for $440 (AFTER tax and markup) and a USP 9 Compact for $475 after markup.  People quit bidding around $380 or so...I wound up with 2 steals.  But that is NOT the norm.  Maybe they were all out of money from buying all the Jennings, HiPoints, and Lorsens. 

Posted (edited)

I registered to bid online and have been following it. Some decent deals on the older, collector stuff.  SKS's are selling in the $275 - $350 range, but then you add the 10% premium, taxes, etc.

Was going to do some online bidding until i realized that they won't let you pick them up, instead they ship them to your FFL so you're looking at another $20 shipping + $30 transfer fee + buyers  premium, etc., etc., 

Turns out that they will let you pick them up locally.

Edited by i1afli

They better let me pick them up. I ended up with 6 good projects that I won online. I spent the first two hours at the auction in person and then decided to leave. Started to follow it online and ended up winning 6 items, all future project guns. Mauser sporter, Remington 33, CVA Bp, BB gun and two pistol frames. I cant see any reason why they cant be picked up, they said at beggining of auction that TICS may be slow today and you could come back Monday to pick up your guns if you did not want to wait, what would be the difference?


UPDATE. Just got email from them I can pick them up Monday between 9-5. No mention of them having to be shipped.

Yep, me too...that's good news.


How did you bid online? I tried to bid while a couple of items were being auctioned, after the Gone Live button came on and I couldn't place one. It looked like you had to post your top price before the item went to auction. A Browning Buckmark I wanted went for $325, no bargain after the add ons, but a fair price.




I could not bid live either. I just had to stay three or four auctions ahead, place my max bid and hope for the best. I was really glad I got the Spanish Mauser sporter as that was the one I really wanted especially after inspecting it in person at the auction. I placed a max bid of 200 and ended up getting it for 150. The real deal I got was the lot of two parts pistols. Nobody had bid on it online and it was coming up. I placed a $10 bid. I ended up winning but really did not know what to expect, picture just showed a small revolver and palm pistol. The revolver is a 22 Rohm and ispretty far gone. Much to my surprise the palm pistol I was expecting a Raven or Jennings. It turned out to be an Astra Firecat. I have disassembled it and everything on it works perfectly. It looked bad because grips and mag were missing. I bought a set of grips last night on ebay for $10 and mags are avaliable for $20-30. I will end up with less than $50 in the gun and looks like they bring $200-250 from research I have done.


As a side note about the SKS's. They must of had 50 of them go through. From what I saw they were mostly Norinco's all had the wrong mags and most were missing the bayonets. I dont believe I saw one sell for less then $325 and most were 350-400. Add the extra 20% and that puts them in the $400-475 range. Now my question is if you took the same 50 SKS to the gun show that same weekend and tried to sell them for even $300 apiece, how many of them do you think you would have sold? Last Norinco I sold 6 months ago I had to beg to get a $275 trade. Have they gone up that much in the past two months as well?


Well JG sales has them for $500 right now...D'yikes!

Big difference between JG's Chineese MilSurp C&R elgible SKS and these run of the mill Norinco imports they had. An argument can be made the JG ones are more collectible becuase they actually have some battle history and are C&R elgible making them available to more ready buyers. Personally I wouldn't buy one and didnt when they were for sale 3-4 months back at $279.

Posted (edited)

Big difference between JG's Chineese MilSurp C&R elgible SKS and these run of the mill Norinco imports they had. An argument can be made the JG ones are more collectible becuase they actually have some battle history and are C&R elgible making them available to more ready buyers. Personally I wouldn't buy one and didnt when they were for sale 3-4 months back at $279.

Me either. I like my Yugos and Russians :) I did buy 4 Chinese T53s from SOG though. Beat to death, but great shooters!

Seems like at least half of the SKS rifles for sale at the auction were missing the bayos or bubba had converted it to take ak mags. Not cool.

Edited by austin7.62

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