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Watch Magpuls response closely

Guest TankerHC

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I'd call that pretty biased: I had it at one each way and one a tie.

Annihilated is a strong word but that's exactly what happened in the first debate IMO. Maybe not the other two. But I still say Romney won all three. But "winning" and "losing" are all relative to the eye of the beholder. And as far as the bias goes, everyone is to some degree, admit it or not.

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Is that b/c he is the son of Ron.


No, it's simply that the current electorate won't go with a true conservative, let alone a libertarian. The electorate being, of course, that 57% or so of eligible voters who actually turn out.


Paul would fare better than his Dad in the primaries, but no way he even gets the nomination. Besides, unless the Big Bad Things happen, Hillary is a lock.


If it weren't for effective GOP gerrymandering, they wouldn't even have a majority in either House.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Guest ThePunisher

No, it's simply that the current electorate won't go with a true conservative, let alone a libertarian. The electorate being, of course, that 57% or so of eligible voters who actually turn out.
Paul would fare better than his Dad in the primaries, but no way he even gets the nomination. Besides, unless the Big Bad Things happen, Hillary is a lock.
- OS

If Hillary wins, the country is a lost cause anyway. Everyone will need to get ready to make the best of their heavy chain slavery in the commie utopia.
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If Hillary wins, the country is a lost cause anyway. Everyone will need to get ready to make the best of their heavy chain slavery in the commie utopia.


I doubt if the transition from what's transpiring now will be much noticeable.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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If Hilary ages as much in the next 4 years as she did the last 4, she will be at least 120 years old in 2016 :)


She'll lose weight, get tucks, new outfits, hairdo, etc. She'll look 50 by the time she announces. She's probably in the spa daily already.


Then again, might decide the Golda Meir look serves better as stateswoman.




- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I doubt if the transition from what's transpiring now will be much noticeable.

- OS


There is no way in heck Rand Paul gets a nom. IMHO Christie is the gop's best hope at this moment. He appeals to the electorate. Reps need a new face with great ideas that can bring people together. It will have to be someone fairly moderate in order to appeal to the most people. Edited by LowBb
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There is no way in heck Rand Paul gets a nom. IMHO Christie is the gop's best hope at this moment. He appeals to the electorate. Reps need a new face with great ideas that can bring people together. It will have to be someone fairly moderate in order to appeal to the most people.


I wouldn't vote for Christie. Which part of the electorate? Democrats?

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There is no way in heck Rand Paul gets a nom. IMHO Christie is the gop's best hope at this moment. He appeals to the electorate. Reps need a new face with great ideas that can bring people together. It will have to be someone fairly moderate in order to appeal to the most people.

If Christie gets the nom we're done. I've had all the moderate politicians I can stand. I will never vote for him.
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If Christie gets the nom we're done. I've had all the moderate politicians I can stand. I will never vote for him.

Same here. I think it will take someone who takes a solid stance on everything. That's what I want to see. I'm tired of these people who talk out of both sides of their mouth. People who stand for everything stand for nothing.

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There is no way in heck Rand Paul gets a nom. IMHO Christie is the gop's best hope at this moment. He appeals to the electorate. Reps need a new face with great ideas that can bring people together. It will have to be someone fairly moderate in order to appeal to the most people.

I don't agree. Rand is not Ron and doesn't have Ron's baggage or negatives that have always kept Ron from getting close to the nomination.

I do agree that the Republican establishment won't want Rand or anyone like him as the nominee but they didn't want Ronald Reagan either and I head a lot of "Ron will never get it" back then too. But, the people decided otherwise and ad the end of the day, the establishment didn't really have much of a choice but to support him - and thank God they did.

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I don't have much doubt that the GOP establishment would be happy with Christie. I've appreciated the way he's taken on some of the entrenched liberal BS in New Jersey and he seems to have a decent fiscal head on his shoulders but he is not anyone I could ever support and won't support.


The problem is, for those who don't want him or someone like McCain or Romney or any of the other candidates with "wide appeal" that the GOP will try to force on us, we had better find someone NOW that we can support and keep pushing for...that might be Rand Paul or is might be someone else but I do know that if we don't find someone better that we can make the nominee; 2016 will look exactly like 2012 and 2008.


This "appealing to the electorate" is a theory that doesn't work...we know it doesn't because it hasn't.  I mean my God, with the economy the way it is and the unpopularity of Obama care there shouldn't have been any way in hell that Obama should win reelection - the republicans should have been able to run a dime store mannequin and win.

True conservatives CAN win if they aren't afraid to run as a conservative but the GOP doesn't want to run a conservative because at the end of the day, the GOP establishment aren't conservative...all they care about is power and even as a minority they have a lot more power than the great unwashed, unintelligent, electorate.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Latest from Magpul's facebook.


We are proud to announce that within a matter of days we will be going
live with a new program. Due to a bill currently moving through the
Colorado legislature, there is the possibility that Colorado residents'
ability to purchase standard capacity magazines will soon be infringed.
Before that happens, and Magpul is forced to leave the state in order to
keep to our principles, we will be doing our best to get standard
capacity PMAGs into the hands of any Colorado resident that wants them.

Verified Colorado residents will be able to purchase up to ten (10)
standard capacity AR/M4 magazines directly from Magpul, and will be
given immediate flat-rate $5 shipping, bypassing our current order

Our customers outside of Colorado, please know that our
PMAG production will continue at an ever-increasing rate until we do
relocate, shipments to our distributors in other states will continue,
and that we do not expect relocation to significantly impact PMAG
production. We are also aware that Colorado is not the only state with
existing or pending magazine capacity restrictions; we are working on
programs for other affected states as well.

Full details and instructions will be announced when we are able to go live; please watch here for the coming announcement.


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